Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Linda got here at about 4pm and asked Geoff what today was. When he said that he didn't know she told him it was New Years Eve. She asked him if he knew what it meant, and he said "People have a big party and drink five drinks and burp all the time."

Well then. Sounds like a plan.

2002. My life is sure a lot quieter. It's hard to believe it's almost a year since I was laid off. We've had a wonderful year, and I'm a happy girl even though I fear for our finances. I discovered a lot of great new blogs, made some really nice cyber-friends like Ms. Tess, and I'm a lot happier than I've been in a long while. I did the mayfly project, and I'm one of the earlier contributors. And this is what I wrote:

christine 10/12/2002 02:49 laid off from job, discovered geocaching, camped in maine, played with children, cooked great food, bought huge truck, still overweight.

and my sister did it:

ljf 12/12/2002 01:57
moved to florida
moved back
missed my family
missed my cat
still clueless
damn it's cold out!

and carrie did it:

Carrie 13/12/2002 20:21

started a business
financial stress
Rachel's separation
lost a bulldog
gained a puppy
a difficult, excellent year

and Elizabeth did it:

Elizabeth 13/12/2002 16:27 Young dog did well in obedience. I got pregnant. Old dog got sick. Lived well for six months. STILL pregnant.

But she isn't still pregnant now is she?

How about you? did you contribute your year in 20 words or less to Mayfly? Go do it.

A few years ago I was home alone on New Years. I think Doug was working. I'm not sure. I heard shrieking in the street and in this neighborhood that is something that you don't hear. I got my boots on, and my coat. It was freezing out, the kind of New England clear cold night which many dread. My neighbors were walking up the road trying to get their teenaged daughter to come back in the house.

She was barefoot, in a T-shirt and her underwear. She was running up the road and screaming obscenities at them.

Now, she is second in a line of six kids, the youngest of which is a year younger than Jessica. She didn't see me. I grabbed her from behind and held her arms as her dad ran up to us.

He's a volunteer firefighter, she's a nurse. I had no idea what the circumstances were of the situation, but in my mind I sided with the parents as the sane party in this scenario. For all I knew, she was being held hostage in the basement and tortured on a daily basis and they're getting money from all the other firefighters in town to have gang rape sex with the poor girl. But I doubted it.

The dad looked me in the eye, very sad, tired and relieved. Mom took one arm and looked down as the daughter called me a fucking cunt and a whore. "You don't know what you're doing! You don't know what you're doing! Fuck you! Fuck you!!!" she screamed.

The dad thanked me, and they led her home. I have no idea why she was running up the street or what was going on.

Whenever she would walk up the street and she'd see me, she'd cross the road and walk up the other side.

A year or so ago she moved to Florida. I was always sure to ask her parents how she was. He told me she was going to school and doing well. I have seen her a couple of times, visiting. She looks healthy and happy.

Word around town from people I talked to was that she was seriously addicted to meth, and that she broke into the elementary school and was living there for a week before anyone found her.

Every new years eve I think of her.

And I want you to say it with me -- Katie... God bless you wherever you are. Be healthy. Be happy. Be well. Please pray that. I can still see her as clear as day. And there but for the grace of God go I. In nine years, may I never see that kind of behavior from my children. God willing.

My new year's resolution? Well, I don't have one per se, except get a job. I have an interview with Geoff's preschool/kindergarten to sub, but the pay sucks. But. It's a job. It's good.

So in lieu of a new year's resolution I am pledging myself to get my sister some booty.


Get my Linda some boot rockin' boo-tay. So. Should you be an eligible non-gay man (gay men are awesome, but probably don't want to get married to my sister. Not for nothin' you can decorate her room but you don't want to be her husband)... and you're wanting a lovely date with a gorgeous and NICE girl, let me know.

Statistically: she is 33. She is 5' 6". She is Sagittarius, cusp of Capricorn (should you follow that). Smokes, drinks and swears like a longshoreman.

No, not really.

She does smoke, and insists she is going to quit. She's no alkie because both of us are cognizant of what being the daughter of an alcoholic is all about... And the swearing thing is no worse than mine. Well.

She's NATURALLY blonde (and has some great blonde moments) One tattoo. Loves "Office Space," "The Princess Bride" and "Full Metal Jacket." She knows her way around an operating system and the inner guts of a PC. She is very funny. She likes music from Rap to BNL but her obsession musically is Peter Gabriel in all forms (except for the new album, which needs to grow on her...).

She deserves a great romance. She deserves to meet someone who isn't a stalker from Albania (not that she has in the past, but internet dating results in many an inquiry from strange muslim dudes from countries where she's sinned enough to be stoned 100 times over).

Here is a picture of her from a recent cruise where she did NOT get botulism.


and you need to be with her. She is my mission for 2003. So. So. So... So email me. Now. Make 2003 your love year.

She's standing behind me now saying "I'm being pimped on the Internet by my sister." And yes. She is.

Happy new year. All y'all. I love ya. More fun in 2003. And perhaps a wedding? (she's smacking me! She just wants someone to take her to a movie at this rate!!!!!)

hee hee hee.

Have another mai tai!

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