Friday, February 17, 2006

It's Fun and Funny

Some blog terrorist I am. Leaving you hanging for four days without any updates. You probably thought after the blizzard that we'd all been eaten by our neighbors when they came over to steal our milk and bread. But we survived, and now it is 55 degrees here. It will change quickly, but all the snow is gone, just about, and everything is mud and wet.

As for life, it's been all work, all driving around and all Geoffrey for the past several days due to a bus suspension (he got into a fight and got a 3 day kickoff, which he deserved).

But that's over. Thank Gord. Whew. Time for the weekend.

It will be all about looking at houses on Saturday. We could be putting cart before horse, because this place is nowhere NEAR ready to sell, but we're getting the feel for the water. I'll be taking pictures because, ya know -- blog terrorist.

red jessie kissables Valentine's Day we went off our diet and did the same thing we did last year -- chocolate martinis. It was fun and funny and we watched curling on the Olympics and yelled at the big rock. We made fun of the fact NBC calls Turin "Torino" and it sounds like Rob Schneider's Copy Guy on SNL.

There are pictures in Flickr if you're interested. Some came out really cool. Start here and move through the red.

I completely forgot it was Valentine's day on Tuesday. I drove Geoff to school and we were sitting in the line watching all these kids get dropped off with bags of valentines for their classmates, and moms carrying in cupcakes for the big party. Kids in red and pink and white... and my son is in Black and Gold in the back seat.

"Um. Geoff, did you do valentines for your classmates?" I asked, knowing that he didn't because I didn't make him. Come to think of it, no list of kid names was sent home, so there was no way for me to know how many to make and how to spell some of the names (Kids have weird names with stupid spellings, and the minute you give something to Breahannah and it is spelled Brianna, you are the stupid head jerk face who screwed up, not her parents for giving her something that looks like it was spelled by the Houyhnhnms).

"No. Valentines day is a stupid made up holiday made up by girls so they get chocolate and kisses from boys and I didn't make valentines and if I get one I'll scream."


"No, if you get one you'll be kind and say thank you. I think you're off the hook for not making any, but I wish you'd remembered to remind me. I'm forgetful like that."

"It's stupid and I hate it."

I stopped and bought chocolate for his teacher and sped aide, and his reading and math specialist because she has inspired greatness in Geoff. I think he's in love with her. He was psyched to give her the chocolate when I picked him up, and she made a big deal of it.

He did get Valentines and he apologized to the other kids each time they gave him one that he didn't have one for them. They all said that's okay.

Still, a letter home with names would have made me remember. But it's third grade -- time to move on I guess. So I don't feel too badly, like I did the night before Easter last year when I forgot to do Easter Baskets for the kids.

Not much else really to report other than hey -- we're alive and busy. I'm sure a huge assed report on house hunting will be posted this weekend, so stand by. It's fun and funny.

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