Saturday, June 27, 2020

Wanna Get Away?

I am restless with wanderlust filling my heart and soul.

It is the end of June and I haven't really gone anywhere "fun" since going to see Guster in Burlington Vermont. I went to see my parents in March, but that was lovely duty, not .... "fun."

Oh, and yes - we did go to West Virginia for our anniversary but compared to anniversaries past like Quebec City and Skyline Drive, one night in rocking Elkins WV is not really something I'd put in the "that was epic" category.

My brain feels like mush, and I'm in a fog. I know it is because I'm just cooped up. And yes, my privilege is showing, I know. We don't travel fancy, we just go some places, so I'm not whining because no one is taking me on a $15,000 Alaska cruise. I am whining because I can't just up and go places that I want to. When I want to.

The country is "opening up" some, but we are not. We have been kind of disgusted by what we've seen in other people's behaviors, how no one wants to follow rules. How restaurants require reservations but people still show up and act like they are entitled to be allowed in because things are open.

I've been annoyed at the grocery store when people won't follow the instructions to go down the aisles the right directions. I've been irritated that people are acting like they are just plain exempt.

I do not know why it is so hard for people to follow the rules. Not so much for themselves, but for others.

One of the things I've been going back to over and over is the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The classic Golden Rule. The basic tenet of so many faiths and even the non-faithful can ascribe to this one. It is a no brainer. That and the Mosaic coin flip of whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person, both of which ring in my ears.

While there are so many people who act like they are being "muzzled like a mad dog," according to one recent Floridian, I can't go out there.


I wanna.

I need some time up in the Boston Area. My sister and I want to fly down to Florida and help her bestie move into her new place, once she knows where the new place is when her divorce is settled, and after she recovers from back surgery that's happening Monday. Linda wants for us to be there the day the divorce is settled, throw her into a car, and take her somewhere like Key West for a couple days. And then come back, move her into her new place, and get her next phase set up.

Most of all, I really want to go to Oregon, in the worst way, to go see Aaron and Serena when they have their baby. Baby is due at the end of July. Go see the new boat that he has put so much time and effort into. Go to the west. Just... go.

Flights are so cheap right now that I feel like we just need to buy tickets, and plan on going. Just do it. Just go to Oregon. Pick a week. A long weekend. Something.

Doug's mother will be moving into a new condo (hopefully) at the end of August so that kind of coincides with probably what's going to happen with Ginger's divorce and the best time for us to go to Oregon.

I do have to say, right now, we have money for the first time in a long time because we have been literally going nowhere and having no fun. Each week, I see our bank balance going up. And it is delightful. Now I know how people who don't do anything feel.

I like knowing that at any moment I can actually buy a plane ticket, rent a car, and have hotels ... without sweating it, it's a great thing.

I just have to make sure we don't shoot all the cash out the window having fun, once we can.

And until then, I can pine for just wanting to go out to a restaurant.

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