Wednesday, July 02, 2003


Wow, am I swampped!

I'm like on the verge of getting nervous swampped. And I swear if it wasn't for my sister, I would be so screwed. She cleaned my kitchen and bathroom for me while hanging out here today. She encouraged and coached Jessie in cleaning her bedroom. She did so much work for me and I'm so grateful. I have been straight out flat busy for days, and Tess is coming on Sunday, and we're going to Maine, and I'm teaching a class, and work is chaos...

And wow. Breathe. Let the Inner Rock Star Drive.

Okay. Where to start. When last we spoke, I had put in some garden flowers and had a good weekend. Monday at work was chaos, the short week causes payroll to go into overdrive, and while I do not do payroll my job interfaces directly with the process. There are procedures that must take place every Monday or Tuesday that I now found myself having to do the minute I walked in the door. Chaos. I got everything done. And all day yesterday, all day today, phone call after phone call, small brushfire after small trash can fire. I fought them all. Whew.

On top of all this chaos, which keeps me busy and is challenging and fun, I had a ton of work to complete for the online course I'm helping run at the college. CM conducted orientation on Tuesday evening, 2 sessions, one early one later. I got home at about 9:45 to watch the end of the Serena/Jennifer Crappypotty match (Serena! Yes!) and I promptly passed out.

Today at work, more chaos. Lots of back & forth emails with the ADP people about problems with our online benefits thingie and payroll interface and why reports are reporting warnings and errors and all sorts of crud. Huzzah.

Technology -- it's supposed to make things simpler, right? I'm discovering that it makes things much harder and I'm ready to throw my PC (at the office, not here) out into the middle of the highway and say "screw it, I'll enroll the guy for benefits using the paper form!" and I'll leave it at that.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

The best part of the past couple days is I've finally gotten that Keep the Dog in the Way Back of the Truck feature, the Cap! I went yesterday morning and had it installed. Not only does it look nice, it makes the truck handle so much better... it is so smooth, so aerosuperdynamic. I feel like the queen of summer!

Huzzah again!

Tonight while I was working on CM's course content and making mad crazy updates and writing content and doing stuff stuff stuff, Geoff comes up to me and informs me his second tooth on the bottom is ready to come out. Y'all know how the first one came out a few weeks ago. So he's been working on this one, and lo and behold, he got it to a good position to take out.

He, once again, was all hard core and tough. I pulled that sucker right out. Pop. Done. He didn't even flinch. He asked me if it hurt me.


But it was hard to work on his tooth and work on work. I'd tell him, "go sit down, work on it some more and come back and see me," and three minutes later he was in my face again -- saying it was time for me to pull the tooth. Nope. I'd wiggle it, grip, pull, nope. Go sit down... this went on for about 45 minutes.

I could have finished my work a lot sooner. Such is life. Mom and Internet Technologist all at once.

Anyway -- I have a list a mile long of stuff I need to buy and do before tomorrow. I'm not a list-making type of person, but I've discovered in the past few weeks that I so need to ... order, organize, line up and get ahold and in control of my stuff. So there's a big list here by my elbow of stuff I have to do.

And I know there is stuff missing.

Anyway ... bedtime for bonzo here kids -- I doubt there will be another entry before we split for the northlands so I bid you fond adieu and wish you a happy and safe July 4th weekend.

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