Thursday, August 14, 2003

Please Shave Your Back...

I had an interesting couple of days. Doug has been dropping me at work because our Passat broke. We dropped it off on Friday, and it was supposed to be done that day. Took them until Wednesday to complete the task. I'll outline all that later, but in short, for him to get to Hartford by 9:30am for meetings, I had to be to work at 7am. Which made for some interesting moments at work.

I got into the office and sat at my desk on Wednesday, and someone came in with a box for me that had just been dropped off by FedEx (delivery? at 7:05am? Jebus. That's service!) and he was wearing a red baggy basketball tanktop.

Dude was hairy. And I don't mean like Italian guy in a speedo at Old Orchard Beach Hairy. If you look up "hirsute" in the dictionary, there's a picture of this guy in this t-shirt. If I were to cast a movie of the Old Testament, I would say I'd found my Esau.

I do believe my gasp at the sight of him was not audible.

He smiled big and put the box at my desk.

"Had no idea you were in this early!" he quipped. I grunted "Aah, haven't had enough coffee yet have you?" His elbow goes up onto my filing cabinet. "I've been here since six. I like to come in very early in the summer time. I like to leave by 2, before the plant gets too hot," he scratches his hairy neck. "I let the boys work hard in the hot afternoon. It's hot out there!"

I smile big, nod, smile some more. "Um, erm yeah. It's awful hot in the plant. God bless you guys for being out there doing what you do."

"Yeah," he laughs. "Or devil take us for doing it!"

I didn't quite understand what that meant so I laughed along and shrugged, picked up my coffee and pretended to drink. He walked away.

Another office employee who is usually in the office very early on a regular basis, walks into my cube and says "That's one hairy motherfucker, ain't it. Damn hairyassed ape."

I was too shocked to laugh. This well dressed, very highly paid person is the king of propriety, very careful and selective with language. I think it shocked me more than anything has ever shocked me to hear this person say motherfucker. Wow.

So, philosophically speaking, I'm thinking that an all out waxing or shaving might have made this guy look less astonishingly simian to me. But, he still probably would have looked damn awful in that basketball shirt with his manboobs hanging around the sides and his very large flabby arms floating about.

See, there's something that I don't do.

I know for a fact wearing certain articles of clothing makes one very comfortable. Even though it's nice to air the pits, I do not wear sleeveless clothing. My arms are too fat, and no one needs to see my lack of muscle tone waving in the breeze. I do not wear tank tops. And even if I worked out in a manufacturing facility on a day where it is easily 97 degrees out, and in it's got to be pushing 130, I would wear a regular short sleeved T-shirt.

No one needs to look at certain things. I think someone could possibly grieve that as "creating a hostile and unsafe workplace," but to date no one has.

Top it off with the fact that A wasn't in yet, so I couldn't go tearing ass into her office to freak and overreact the way we girls do. "Dude! did you see him!!! Oh my Gaaaaawwwwddddd!!!!!"

I had to deal with it and process it all on my own. But, later in the morning at about 9am, I walked past a manufacturing meeting where customer service, R&D and some folks from the plant were at the roundtable discussing something, and there he was, in the middle of it all. With his hair.

I resisted the urge to run into A's office and start my overreaction. I just walked by and let it go.

About the car.

As I'd mentioned before our new used Passat had some problems. There was this front end squeak with the bushing/shock in the front passenger's side tire. So Doug made an appointment to have it fixed.

A few days later, the exhaust pipe became disengaged from the catalytic converter, which drowned out the squeaky noise from the bushing but also drowned out the ever-loving thoughts running through your head and caused people to turn and look at us as we drove down the street. It also caused my mother's car alarm to go off every time Doug started the car during the week she was here. So we called VW to have that added to the list of work.

Then, the thunderstorm shorted out the radio. We didn't call VW, because I figured I'd just tell them upon arrival.

I dropped the car off on Friday, thinking these three simple things would be fixed. Friday night arrives, they tell Doug that the car will be ready Saturday.

Saturday comes and we find out the car isn't ready, they don't have the right part for the exhaust and will have it done Monday, which started our Ride-Share program with him dropping me and Geoff off at our respective locations at half past Oh My God It Is Early thirty.

Monday? No part.

Tuesday? No monkey reference and no part so no car. We decided to go out to dinner Tuesday night, because we were all dressed nicely and figured it would be fun to do. We go to a restaurant, eat, and Geoff then pukes in the middle of the aisle. Right as this 20 or so year old girl gets served her food. She doesn't puke but she turns green.

I get Geoff out of the restaurant while Doug and the manager clean up. It's a red letter day. Doug is tempted to tell the aforementioned 20something and her date "Do yourself a favor guys, Don't Have Kids."

We finally got the car on Wednesday. We went out to eat again. "Are you sure you want to risk that?" I asked Doug, recalling Geoff the night before. He laughs. Geoff won't throw up pizza!

And he didn't. Life was good. We have our car back. God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. What a friggin' ordeal though. Gah. I told Doug that we are SO not using this VW dealer's service center again. I was not happy with Doug for going down to this dealer instead of going to a dealer that he forgot we know (YEO VW in Amesbury). Dave said he'd take care of us, but Doug looked at his inventory on line and didn't see the car he wanted. He found the car he wanted in the inventory at the other dealer, and this is what we get. Crap service and a crappy experience with this car. I hope it's all smooth sailing from here. I feel like saying to them that they can suck on the catalytic converter and take the damn thing back, but it's Doug's car. I'll blissfully drive my mofo bigass truck, thank you very much.

And speaking of the bigassed truck there are fruitflies in the truck. I couldn't figure out why. I went to the market, and decided to look under the back seat. It flips up for easy storage.

There's one of Geoff's two lunch bags there. I haven't seen it since Grandma was in town. I had a sinking feeling when I saw it there, and I lifted it up to see what the cause was.

I won't tell you, but suffice to say, the fruit flies were coming from the bag. The bag itself was a total loss (a nice little red thermo bag that he has had since he was 3). I pitched it in the trash when I got home (there was no exterior trash at the market for some reason. Probably too many people threw their kids' rotten lunches in them and they took them all away).

Now I have to go bug bomb the truck. Gah. If it isn't one thing it's another, right?

Finally tonight, lately I've been getting some "stranger" emails. I got one from a guy who found my pictures of hydrangeas but thought it was a shame I had such a trash mouth.

I wrote him back and told him that I was glad he liked my pictures, and that I'm sorry my language offended him, but that he didn't have to visit ever again, and don't steal my photos, and bugger off.

Another one was from a woman who said "Okay, I'm very interested in what you're doing here, but why?" I briefly explained blogging to her, I didn't hear back.

I got another email today from Bill, who said this (and I quote him without his permission, but it's such a nice email and made me feel really good):

I try to visit as many websites as I can and I enjoyed reading your website, both the contents and the design. I think you can learn a lot by going into cyber space and visiting with people. What they know, what they feel and what they think. Thanks and best regards, Bill

Thank you Bill. In a world of crazy people, myself included, it's nice to be appreciated. I hope you keep coming back, and you enjoy my contents.

Alright. That's all the contents for me today. I'm off to bed! Big day tomorrow -- Grandma Bonnie and Grampa Gary are coming to visit for the weekend. They'll be taking the kids with them on Monday down to the ferry in Connecticut, and the kids will be staying in NY for a week so I don't have to take a week off of work. Pray for my inlaws as they put up with Geoff for the car ride and the ferry ride. I know my mom can handle him once he's at her house, but Lord send your spirit to Gary and Bonnie to handle Geoff -- actually, send your spirit to GEOFF to behave and listen and not be completely off the hook on the boat. Gah. That kid wears me out just thinking about him!

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