Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I am feeling the grey. Yesterday and today, the sky was dark upon the hour of my waking and I had difficulty lifting my head. I felt like Natalie Merchant in the 10,000 Maniacs song "About the Weather." And the feeling follows me throughout the workday. The sense in the back of my mind that if I just put my head down for a second, I'm sure I could be fast asleep and dreaming in no time.

"By the force of will, my lungs are filled
so I breathe..."

Because I didn't wake up at the right time, and Doug was about 10 minutes behind schedule, I now find myself at that precarious point in deciding whether or not I rush to ready myself, or, I just shower AFTER taking Geoff to the bus.

The more I think about it, sitting here with my coffee, the more it looks like an after event.

We have two showers, 'tis true. I could shower, but while Doug is showering, the water pressure in shower 2 is really low, and the hot water goes fast. It's less pleasant to rush through getting clean, just to avoid freezing to death.

So, I'll wait and write to you. I'll only be leaving for work about 20 minutes later than usual, which shoots the hell out of my staying late yesterday, but... as I am wont to say "It is what it is."

Yesterday at work I told MB about the journal here, and she wanted to read it. So I gave her the address. Hi MB. If you're reading today. Things at the office should be awfully quiet today. MB and C are out, and G is taking the morning off and may or may not be in later in the day, she's not sure. So it's me and M in our little corner of the world.

Hopefully he won't notice if I nod off, just for that one second... ZzzzZZZzzzzzz.

I don't know why I'm feeling logy and slothy. Returning from vacation kind of wore me out. While we were on vacation I think I slept past 7am once... thanks to the bird and my burning desire to collect shells and walk on the beach early. Now, I bet I could sleep until 11 without even realizing how late it is.

Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, as some guy once sang. Only, I think I'm doing it the reverse.

So yesterday, a few people left their five words for me. I've got them written down, and on my drive in, I'll think about what to craft around them. This is a fun little game. I like it.

Well, time to force the boy into shoes and take him out... then, time to get ready. Talk at you later.

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