Wednesday, March 05, 2003


The thing about yesterday being 030303 was that yesterday's entry could have been (a)musing number 333, but it was 332. Today is 333. Had I done one more entry during the course of the weeks or months prior to that day yesterday, and actually published an 030303 entry, perhaps I could have stopped time, or brought on the onslaught of the apocalypse by half (333 being half of 666).

I'm trying to be funny. I hope you're amused.

I'm not feeling very funny. I'm excessively ill. Yesterday I whinged about having a sore throat. By last night it was so hurty that I was crying whenever I tried to swallow. And, when I would start to fall asleep, I'd snore, which hurt and caused me to awaken in pain.

Not so good Al, not so good.

I ended up going out onto the couch and watching Conan O'Brien, dozed for a while, caught a re-broadcast at about 2 am of the Tonight show where Dennis Miller was doing his pro-Kicking Saddam's Ass routine. I've heard it so many times, it was funny and I agreed with a small amount of what he had to say on a serious leve. Once. And not feeling well I was in NO mood to deal with him... so it was off to MTV where I watched rebroadcasts of a couple Real World Episodes (stupid Irulan. You're STUPID!!!) and dozed off and on. Between ice cubes, truckloads of Ibuprofen, cups of hot tea, and lozenges. Six a.m. came early and was filled with major discomfort. My voice sounds like crap -- like I've got a pound of slimy Italian deli meat sitting on the back of my tongue and rubbing up against the roof and back of my mouth. Not a good feeling or a nice sound.

Thing is -- I can't yell at anyone. I can just sigh. Instant Karma for my yelling-at-Geoff situation the other day, I think. Grin. Smirk. Cringe.

I decided when I was on my way to take Geoff to school (he had a wonderful day yesterday and was very agreeable this morning, so the Teabag Philosophy was good to apply to our situation in addition to my inability to speak) that I would go to the Doctor. Glad I did. She swabbed me, and put the swab in the test solution. "It'll take no more than seven minutes to bring back a reading, pro or con." Right as she said that the swab changed to the "You've Got Strep" color. She said... "Wow. That was fast. You really have a bad case of strep!"

She looked in my ear. Infected.

I told her the entire area behind my right nostril below my eye was also hurty. Sinus infection. She wrote a script for anti-biotics and sent me on my way with advice to drink hot tea and ice water, and gargle with hot salty water (don't swallow!) and I should feel better in 24 to 48 hours.

I'm the type of person who does not go to the doctor when I should. Leigh told me in an email that I should... so I listened to her and I did. Knowing me, I would have waited until Friday when it was unbearable, and then I would have dragged ass to the doctor's having suffered three whole days instead of just one night.

By the way, Leigh started a journal under her domain. Go to her main page and click "Breath of Life" to read the beginning entry.

I'm off to go get my script. More eventually. Bleurgh

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