Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Came and Went

It's been quiet here for a few days. Christmas came and went. We spent most of it on the couch playing video games. Most notably a collection of 80s arcade games which has hooked Jessica in whole hog. She was born in the wrong decade. 30 or so years too late.

I had Monday off, wherein we lounged on the couch playing video games. I worked yesterday and Doug took the day off, wherein he lounged on the couch playing video games. And I'm home today... but won't be lounging on the couch (well, not the whole day). Marcia and the kids are swinging by on their way from Maine to the South Shore to visit with family... so we're going to go out to lunch. But first I must needs clean up the livingroom and dining room a tad. And after that I'll drop the kids off here and head into the office. They can fly solo until dad gets home. He won't be too late. It's a slow week for him as well.

Tomorrow the kids are going to K's house to play. I have to pick them up by 4:30 and then take them to my mom and dad's where they will spend the night, and then spend some time during the day with my cousin and his family... they're having a party. We'll leave the kids there until Saturday morning, when I'll come down and get them.

It's kind of a wash -- I should have sent them there on Tuesday and Wednesday instead. Friday I have a half day of work which was news to me. I thought we'd put in as much of a day as possible... but yesterday G was talking about pad thai and vodka mint chocolatinis at lunch for New Years, so I think we're all aiming to leave early. In theory, the kids could have just stayed here and hung out here all morning and be fine. But. I already made the arrangements.

Plus, that gives me and my husband an evening alone. Which is always nice.

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