Tuesday, August 27, 2002

moving day for the neighbors

My neighbors are moving.

And I'm not heartbroken or sad about it. To the largest extent. We didn't start out on good footing with one another. They put a big fence up between our houses that screamed "Don't come over here" to us in a big way. Whether or not they intended that, in two years we've spent hardly any time with them.

Not a big deal. It's okay. Sometimes neighbors just don't gel. Just because you live next door to one another doesn't mean you're destined to be best friends. I didn't expect to become best friends with them. And my expectations certainly were met. I was friendly with them... and they have two lovely little girls who got along well with my kids.

And they'll be gone for good by the time I get back from taking Geoff to school. He doesn't realize they are leaving, or, refuses to accept it. The girls came over this morning to say goodbye, and he was playing school and told them to sit down and learn that two and two is four. I gave V., the oldest one, a copy of a picture Geoff painted last week because she saw it on the table and liked it so much.

I put our address on the back and told her to send us a Christmas card. I will be surprised if I get one.

A few weeks ago, when Michael On Wheels visited, the girls came over to play. They were curious about Michael, and it turned into an all day play fest. It was fun. I wish we'd had more days like that.

During that play fest, V. married Geoff in a lovely backyard ceremony conducted by Jessica. They came tearing in the house yelling "We got married! We got married! We're going on our honeymoon!!!" and they ran into Geoff's room and slammed the door.

Worried that V. might know more about what happens on an actual for real honeymoon than Geoff knows, I opened the door to look in. They were jumping on the bed.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're on our honeymoon, Mrs. G"

"Really? Are you doing anything special?"

"Yeah! This is it! This is what you do on a honeymoon!"

She got that right. You run into a room and jump up and down on a bed. Carry on! Keep dressed. Have a nice time!

She bosses Geoff around as if she were really his wife. We looked out into the back yard later that day and he was reposed upon his back, hands folded behind his head, looking at the sky while she lectured him, wagging a finger for added impact.

Yup. That's what it would be like if they were 20 years older and married.

So my "daughter in law" and her little sister are going away. We'll see if we hear from them again. The girls came over to say goodbye before the bus came. Took a few pictures, just so I'll remember them.

Yesterday was Geoff's first day of school. The first official day of Kindergarten. It felt like any other day dropping him off at the preK/K where he is going. I guess not seeing him off on a bus makes it seem so routine. He has the same teacher he had when he was 3, but only for the next month. His actual teacher is out on medical leave and will be back in September. So Ms. Sandi will be his guide. She said he had a great day yesterday, and it all sounded like fun. He seemed really happy but very tired when I brought him home. He was in bed by 8:30.... 9:00ish.

Jessica starts today. She agreed to wear a skirt. I discovered that she hates dresses, but for some reason loves skirts. So... I'll be buying her skirts for dressing up occasions in life. When we went school shopping she picked out this lovely black canvas skirt which goes almost floor length, and has a slit up the front to her knees. We bought a nice red short sleeved dressy T shirt, and she wore her hair up in a black scrunchie. She looked so grown up. I was brushing her hair for the ponytail, and she had on her shoes and is just about the same height I am in my bare feet. It almost made me cry.

We fussed with her hair and put a necklace on her, and she almost missed the bus. She was walking out the front door and I was about to take her picture when the bus pulled up and honked. She started running for it, and I offered to drive her, but she said she'd make it.

She did. She waved to me as the bus drove past. I could have taken her picture then, but just watched her instead. One year left of elementary school for her, then she's off to middle school, up an hour earlier, and home an hour earlier. I think it's wrong that middle school and high school start so early and the kids get home so early. Gives them plenty of non-parent time to get themselves in trouble.

Hopefully we won't have to worry about that with either one of these kids.

So I've got to get Geoff out the door. The benefit of him going to this school is the extended day. Doug picks him up around 3:45, and school starts at 9:30 but he could always come earlier if I get a full time job. The bummer is I have to drive him. But it gets me up and out the door.

Anyway -- that's all for now. Dan picks the dogs up tonight, I have a meeting down the college that I have to do work for this morning, so this is the muppet update from me until perhaps Thursday.

Enjoy your day.

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