Saturday, February 16, 2008

Website Design Mistakes...

There has not been an update from me, mostly because when I'm in this seat I'm busy doing updates to the Rebel website. Last summer I volunteered to redo the site and maintain it and update it and stalk, harass and hunt down alumni for updates and information because Keri is awfully busy. She agreed and we put the thoughts to bed until after the turn of the year here. A few weeks ago, I started redoing the layout and getting content put together and having her review things in a preview section of her site. We've been taking our time, gathering the info, refining, discussing... doing the site slowly.

This morning found me about 90% done with the core content. I got up at 10, scared up some coffee, checked my blogs, did some reading, sent some mail, played some Scrabulous, and then I made some changes to the pages. I uploaded what I'd done to the preview section... only it wasn't the preview section. It was the main site. In essence, I copied over the old alumni, index and schedule pages, and found I didn't have a backup of the old look and feel.

Uh. Ooops. Okay. Cardinal rule number one -- always have a backup of the old site. Duh?


So after trying to restore what used to be there, I figured it was God's way of telling me to go ahead and push the site, and finish what was undone NOW. From 11am to 4pm I was a website whirling dervish, cropping photos, writing, copying, moving stuff around. Jeeesh. I sent emails, got more content from the alumni who had agreed to give me updates, and notified Keri that I needed her to bless what was done. She hopped on and read and proof-read and critique and revised, emailing me in bursts and spurts. Alumni updates started rolling in... more cutting and pasting. Editing. Whipping stuff up, moving stuff around.

It all sounds so exciting, doesn't it?

I would say the site is still 90% done, and it isn't what I would have pushed, especially the alumni pages... seeing as I need to do a bunch of graphics stuff for each individual i page so they all have a side curtain with their old Rebel pictures. Keri has those photos. Unless they are in one of the two boxes of photos I have here.

If you'd like to see the new design, layout, and overall coolness of it all (and wouldn't mind pointing out misspellings and errors and the like) do click here. Feedback is appreciated. I like the page, I like how it looks. It has pretty pictures, and if theatre is anything... it is visual. Large, face-focused photos really make it pop for me. And I am having fun doing it. I also had a blast talking to alumni and getting their feedback. I can't wait to get their photos done on their individual pages so each one looks like Darcy Fowler's (go to the alumni page and click on her name).

Good times.

So, with all this work I've been doing on that, I haven't really had a minute to do... this. And that is really rather okay because there hasn't been anything really interesting to blog about and I so hate boring the crap out of you.

The major updates are limited. Craig is doing well after his surgery. Thank you again for caring and asking and praying for him. Work is work, the commute is still the suck. But the weather has been kind lately so the ride is back to just boring and not boring and snowy.

We've rifled through almost another whole cord of wood, which makes me worried. I wanted to just have two this year but we may end up buying a third if the cold keeps up. Geoff's guitar lessons are going okay. While I know he knows three chords it sounds like he knows what he is doing when I listen to him play and, as he calls it, "jam out old school." He's so cute. I look forward to the day when he is actually playing songs that I can recognize instead of just strumming and being noisy.

I received a lot of good advice about fixing my iTunes problem, but have yet to apply my brain to getting such a thing done. I'm hoping tomorrow or Monday, when I have the day off, to have the moment to do so and fix all of our problems. And -- thank you everyone for your suggestions. When I fix it I will be sure to write exactly HOW I fixed it, so you can make note of it, lest you find yourself in similar straits.

I guess that's it. The kids are on vacation this week upcoming, and unlike last year we are not going to Florida. Although, I can dream. And it strikes me that it feels like yesterday when I typed up our post-road trip report from that adventure. Where did this year go?

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