Friday, August 12, 2011

Interview Update and What Dreams May Come

I had a great phone interview with a local company back two weeks before the surgery. Yesterday I had an in person interview with the hiring manager and two people who I would be working most closely with should I get this job.

Part of me thinks that I did much better with the latter than the former.

Either way, it was nice to finally get another interview into the mix. I have yet to find that brilliant wonderful job for me.

I did have a very vivid, very detailed dream the other night. I do not take stock in analyzing dreams, or writing long blog entries about them. Most people who write dream blogs bore me. But I thought this one was telling.

I was standing on stage at the local park. It was  handmade, built as someone's Eagle Project. There was a huge crowd before me. I was in the process of announcing "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder, as performed by our area kids. My son, my friend Gary's daughter Grace, a ton of kids from our high school and middle school. And I was waiting for someone I know named Mike to finish running wires for microphones for the stage, which we decided the last moment we needed because the crowd was so large. I was specifically thanking people, most notably my friend Dave of the shenanigans fame for all the work he did. I singled out several people who have been a tremendous inspiration to me over the past several years. All my friends were there in the audience, friends from town here and friends from elsewhere.

The performance was flawless... A recent graduate from our high school, Sam, played the narrator perfectly and beautifully. And I got a bunch of our adult friends from town to be in the "cemetery" at the end of the play, sitting in all black dress clothes with no shoes on, in their graves. At the end the cheering was amazing and I was crying.

I think that if I do not get this job I am going to do something fun like that. I'm going to see if the town will allow it. And do something fun.

But if I do get this job, I think Jess and her friend Nick should run a camp in July next year, and just go for it. I'll make myself the artistic/executive director, and we'll have at it. My friend Hannah told me that she wants me to do the Backyard Bonfire Theater Group. Maybe that's what we'll call it.

Anyway. I got little or no sleep last night. We had the windows open, and a huge truck rumbled down the street at about 2:30am. I came downstairs at 5 and loaded the dishwasher, woke Geoff up so he could go to football. I have to apply Jess for a student loan, have to find out from Fidelity what's left in our 529 account (probably nothing after this past 2 weeks of turmoil in the markets) and get that shipped off to Pitt.

Lots to do. And ... shenanigans with Dave today at 11am. Pondering where I will take him for the fun.

1 comment:

  1. shelleybean8:04 AM

    If I had a kid, I'd want him or her to go to your camp and put on awesome fun shows. Do it!
