Wednesday, March 04, 2015

a picture of me, for a change...

In my office, sometimes I'm the only one here. People work from home,  a lot. I can work from home, and I have once or twice.

One particular day, I found myself alone here at my desk. I was a bit ADHD and very cold. So I took this picture of myself.

I normally do not like pictures of myself. I look fat and stupid with a big Peter Griffin double chin so the scarf helped out this one a lot. I put this through a filter on Instagram, and it caught the sun coming through the window behind me. The black and white helped out my skin tone.

The only thing I really would have liked to have done is  blend out the circles under my eyes... but this was the day after Jack died, and i think it holds a certain sadness.

Additionally, I've always liked my nose, and my skinny irish lips look cute.

So... I like this photo.


  1. Beautiful! I'm similar and usually hate pictures of myself, but I've been trying to overcome that lately and at least get a pic of myself in each of the new places I visit. As for looks, I always try to remind myself of that quote, "Those who matter won't mind and those who mind don't matter." :)

  2. That is a really good picture. Make sure to give Doug a copy for his wallet!
