Friday, July 02, 2021

July and the Second Half of 2021

After my last post, and looking at things where they were for a couple of days, I decided to move Lita's Likkah Cabinet to the other end of the room by the hutch. 

Closer to the kitchen, closer to ice and the sink, closer to more glasses. It made sense. I noticed how the sun was coming through the windows (which do need to be cleaned, yes) and a bonus Phineas sleeping on the dining room floor in the sunshine... So I had to take the picture. House is still coming along nicely. I have my puzzle table set up, and just have to move 2 more things to get stuff organized.

Managed to not get my legs and feet in the shot through some mad skill. 

The past week was kind of a rough one. Work has been insane, but when is it never insane? Doug keeps getting mad at me for working after dinner but my job is different than his. I go to a lot of meetings during the day and don't get to touch helpdesk tickets. So all the tickets that come in all day long, I look at them at night, answer them, send some to other co-workers so they can help. And usually put in 2-3 hours additional. I feel right now that if I can just do the meetings, or the tickets, one or the other, life would be better. Or if I had someone doing the ticket side of my life so I could do far fewer of them, that'd be great. My co-workers are taking a lot of the easier tickets (or the tickets for things I'm not sure of the answers to, but they do because they built the sites) but there are still so many tickets. 

The other night, my sister and I were going to facebook video chat, and she was delayed in getting to me. I had made an icy, pint glass sized vodka tonic and put it on my bedside table ready to drink while we talked, but she never got to calling, and I didn't drink the cocktail. 

I worked. Completely focused on answering tickets. 

I sat here with my cute little lap desk that I bought (it's perfect) and pounded through those tickets. Doug came in for bed at 10pm and I put the laptop away... perfect timing. We went to sleep. 

I woke up around 6:30am, the dog wanted to go out. Geoff had fed him and let him out at 5 but an hour or so after brekkie he enjoys another go-out. I reached over to the bedside table to grab the glass of water. I always have a glass of water there. 

Only it was not a glass of water. It was a room temperature, rather strong, vodka tonic. 

Imagine my surprise. 

And yes, I drank the whole thing. Hey Wednesday, how you doin?

It has been exceptionally hot. Not as brutally hot as the historic and deadly heat up over the Pacific Northwest. I talked to Aaron over on the coast and he said in his backyard it was 115 at the moment. Right on the river. Right at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. The next day it was 66 and cloudy, but folks from Portland were all flooding to the coast to try and get some sort of reprieve. I felt incredibly bad for them. 

Here it was "normal" hot. DC hot: mid to upper 90s, tons of humidity. But we went about a week without receiving a cooling rainstorm.

Our AC was working extra hard, as I'm sure everyone's was. All kinds of people in the neighborhood were having AC guys at their house to fix. We all have Central Air - it's kind of mandatory around here. 

When we moved in, I asked the rental agent to please have a furnace and AC wellness check done in February (she did). We had just spent 4 days without heat at the other house (they got a brand new, super quiet, efficient and lovely furnace installed, we got to enjoy it for a couple of weeks before moving). I didn't want for that to happen again, and I wanted to avoid any AC nonsense on days like we had this week. 

With the cold, I can deal with fleecy jammies, slippers, blankets, and space heaters and stay comfortable.  I always feel like we do fine. 

But when it is hot like this, there's absolutely no escaping it. You can't sit in front of a fan enough to cool off. 

Yesterday we finally got the storms through the area. They were pretty rough! Thunder and lightning began here at about 1pm. I was on a Zoom call with a station and one of the attendees slacked me to say it looked like someone was taking pictures in my house. The room was very dark, and the flashes noticeable. It lasted all the way until about 6pm. We had our power go out twice while I was on calls. Luckily I wasn't the only one from my team on the call so we had someone fill in for what I was saying until I could log back in. 

We got another wave at about 9pm, and a tornado touched down near DC from what I understand. The overnight was quiet, but wow, what a ride. 

Phineas was kind of sick this week. Starting on Friday he just wasn't the Phin we've gotten used to. He stopped eating. Drank a LOT of water. Needed to go out pretty much all the time. Which was nice because yeah, it's hot a balls doggie. Come back in! All weekend he didn't touch his food, and all he wanted to do was sleep. 

And throw up. 

We couldn't figure out what was going on - did he eat something? I mean, he went through the whole Dogs Eat Cicadas phase during the Cicada invasion, but the brood had long finished and there have been no more bugs to eat. Doug said that a hungry dog will eventually eat. Which he did, but not with the exuberance and gusto of his usual brekkie and phinnertime celebrations. He'd nibble and leave, and go back to sleep. 

Starting yesterday he seemed back to his good normal self. Seeing him bound up the stairs to come back in after we walked around the yard together was a relief. Before that he took the steps so slowly, like a very old man, and I was afraid he was going to fall down. 

But we're on the mend, and heckin' cute.

Phin wishes you a good day.

It's the 4th of July weekend. We're entering the second half of the year. My early morning wakings will note a darker sky in a couple of weeks and the reality of the downhill slide to winter will begin. Still, it's incredibly light early in these parts for the morning rise to take the dog out and feed him.  

Doug is looking for places for us to go watch fireworks. I'm not really interested in going. My office would always open the 4th floor deck for employees and families to come and enjoy the view over to the national mall, but last year and this year the building is closed for that. So none of that for us. I'd kind of rather stay home. 

I have a feeling our neighbor across the street is gearing up for a party and fireworks. He shoots them off all the time. When we lived up the street it wasn't a big deal but now across the street we may be in for it. We'll see. 

Least a guy can do is invite the neighbors over for the shindig, am I right? 

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