Tuesday, April 22, 2003

First Day, Great Day... Fondue!

Such an exciting day! Aaron and Michelle are here, I started my new job, we used the fondue pot. I'm not even sure WHERE to begin discussing the excitement here.

Seeing as many of you asked -- job. I started my job, and because my kids are on vacation I was able to show up early. My new boss wasn't quite expecting me, but she scooped me up and took me on tour.

I met everyone -- I remember none of their names. I'm a loser.

Everyone there is really nice, and the entire office and shop have the same feel I got when I worked at the company in Marblehead I was at so long ago. A manufacturing facility environment has a certain type of people working in the administrative end, from HR to sales. And I really like them. My sister could probably attest to this fact. All told, it was a great first day and then I had to go pee in a cup for my drug test (y'all know there's no fear there -- especially seeing as I gave up poppy seed bagels just for safety sake!) and came home to house of insanity.

Geoff was wound up like a toy car and spinning in circles, Aaron has that sort of sway on his little being. We (Aaron & I) went to the market to get fondue stuff. Cheese mostly. Doug had purchased a fondue pot at a K-mart going out of business sale (I think I blathered about this) and we all (except Doug) consider fondue Fancy.

So we made Fancy Dinner, with a ham that Aaron & Michelle got from his parents (nice), wonderful bread, steamed broccoli and sautéed mushrooms. We ate our Fancy meal and did enjoy it ever so.

On an episode of "Spongebob Squarepants," Patrick gives Spongebob a lesson on "putting on airs" to be fancy. You have to hold your pinky up. The higher you hold your pinky, the fancier you are. That's what putting on airs is all about.


Here is all the family putting on fancy airs at our fondue pot. Check out the upheld extended pinky action.

Geoff was so fancy he put all his fingers up.

Jessica's especially got the fancy thing down.

So all told, between starting the new job and enjoying myself, to coming home to a house full of fun, and fanciness, it's been a great day.

Geoff just went to bed (finally calmed down after an entire afternoon of whirling dervishly) and I'm ready to settle into the sectional with many dogs and people. I'm feeling very happy to be working again, and I feel like this will be a good job to have. Not the most challenging, but one that I know I will be a good "servant" in.

From here I can hear my family and friends are watching "Keeping Up Appearances" and making a drinking game out of the show. You have to drink whenever Hyacinth says "It's Bouquet!" for the pronunciation of her last name (it's spelled Bucket, you know... but she pronounces it Bouquet) or she says "Oh Richard!" about something. Or, if Emmet the neighbor jumps over the fence to avoid contact with our Hyacinth.

Perhaps we'll watch a movie. We've got "The Royal Tennenbaums," which I still haven't seen, even though I adore Ben Stiller and the Wilson Brothers (you all know I've got that love thing for Owen's nose...). Knowing my adoration for Wes Anderson movies like the fantastic "Bottle Rocket," I'm sure I'll love it.

Take care -- more later

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