Monday, October 03, 2005

Lost my keys again....

Longtime readers know I have a penchant for losing things. My keys, my wallet, my mind.

And this morning finds me sans keys. We had two keys to the VW. One got trashed and because it was this proprietary VW Über Schlüssel which costs $250 to replace, we passed on getting it done. Which left us with the back-up key, which I cannot find this morning.

Readers familiar with my history will recall back in 2001 when I lost my keys and then locked myself out of the house and had to climb back in the window, and I hurt myself.

Go ahead, read the entry linked to there. It's a laugh riot.

I didn't freak out this time. And to be honest, it is all because of how my work situation is. I've been working here at my desk since 8am, except for the few minutes that I took Geoff to the bus, and I'm getting so much done that it is just crazy funny. I am fortunate to have this set up now.

Part of what I had to do today is give my buddy France some floorplans. Seeing as I have them on the laptop, and they are like 8mb each, I figured I'd make a temporary webpage for him to pull the stuff down. But. I found that I'm almost totally out of room on my server. Nice way to find it out... I have about 40mb left of space, which for the journal is okay, each of these pages is a few k, but not so good for uploading 20 floorplans of about 8mb each.

So we've had to have me upload a few at a time, and then delete as he downloaded. It is so sad and pathetic... but it is what it is.

Beats walking to work.

I will find my key, and it will be okay. And there is no freaking out going to take place... and I'm alright.

Guess that's about it for me right now. Perhaps some wonderful and exciting developments will befall us later...

oh -- for those of you who have expressed concern about our land/garage situation with the neighbor, don't worry: Before we do anything, we're on the phone with a real estate lawyer and/or our buyers broker through whom we bought the house. It'll all work out. This I believe. Like I know I'll find my key. But pray for us in all aspects, because, you know, we could always use the mojo.

Update 4:29pm
Found the key. It had fallen out of the dryer, hit the ground between the two wood pallettes that the dryer sits upon, and got mixed up with the lint that hasn't been cleaned in that little gap for nigh unto 10 years. I looked there this morning, but the light wasn't good and my tactile sense was not quite awake yet. I went down to search the same places a second time, seeing as the upstairs had a thorough go-through, and there it was.

This is especially good because I talked to the VW dealership and didn't like their solution, because it takes days and is freaking expensive.

I hate this key. It is a jerk. But I'm glad I found it, and I gave it a stern talking to and kicked my own ass repeatedly, so all is right with the world.

Thanks for your mojo. I know you sent it.

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