Sunday, October 02, 2005

Canadian land grab

New Canada As part of his current, ongoing obsessive map and state knowledge phase, last night Geoff annexed Canada to be our 51st state.

Canada will henceforth be known as New Canada, and the cities are all being renamed. He drew up a map, which is BEST viewed in its larger format. Click here to view that action.

But here is the thumbnail so you can get an idea of what's going on with New Canada. Greatly enjoyed the state bird, state flower, and the state fruit.

Welcome, Canada, we're happy you're part of our union. Have a fruit roll-up. Aren't you gonna eat it? Aw fer chrissake!

Speaking of that line from BNL, Jessica found out what her role in the school play is this year. She is a "crazy old lady." From what she understands, there will be a lot of opportunity for improv, something she is greatly fond of, and able to do without laughing her ass off. She watches HOURS of "Whose Line is it Anyway," both the original BBC and the Drew Carey versions, and she is really gaining a strong knowledge of timing and delivery.

So as "crazy old lady" she plans on running out the line "Excuse me, do you know where the Bryant Street Theatre is?"

While I may be the only person who laughs when she does it, perhaps there will be another Barenaked Ladies fan who knows the Sweetest Old Lady bit from the end of Rock Spectacle, and they'll laugh too.

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