Friday, June 12, 2020

The 3 hours of sleep

Another Rough night with the dog.  Seeing as I've been up since 4:45am, we are on our third cuppa and I sent an email to my best friend outlining my whining about why I've been up since 4:45 (and why I didn't fall asleep in the first place before 1am).

Productive morning, I may say.

I would really like to just go back to bed right now but right now is when work starts to wake up and get going. And the birds are noisy. And the neighbors have their lawn service with 2 weed whacker dudes and 2 giant lawnmowers doing their tiny ass yard. Oh, and a neighbor across the street is having a second floor put on the house, and the construction guys are hammering the shit out of everything. Including my brains.

I usually am starting work between now and 9am, but already did two big helpdesk tickets and have decided to pass on attending my 10am standing scrum meeting. My 10:30 was canceled. We have a team meeting at 11, and then I have a meeting at 1.  Looks favorable for me to make it to past 1, and pass out. Already told my manager that I'd be doing that.

Any minute now I should try and make enough noise that it wakes Doug up. He was up until after 1 with me, but managed to get back to sleep and stay there.

By the way, the dog is flat out snoring right now. The little shit.

I'm very glad her elderly issues are happening in the summer instead of what I went through with Jack up in Massachusetts. Although, I did like putting on boots and snow pants, and going and sitting on a wall of plowed up snow nearly 3 feet high along our walk way to give him time to be out there flopping around on the cold ground and eating all the snow he wants. At least this is nice weather. It hasn't been pouring out when she's wanted to go dick around and just walk the yard and sniff. I may put a folding chair down in the yard so I can just sit there while she does her walkabout and sniffabout.

But I might just fall asleep in the chair...

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