Wednesday, March 05, 2025

A Dougless Day

So, Dahlia has been pooping in the house at night. Not every night? But. Huh. What's up with that?

We let them out last night at 11pm, they came back in, all set and ready for bed. Lots of cuddling and contentment. I went to the guest room at like 4. And she came in sometime between 5 and 5:30. 

She jumped on the bed, off the bed, went back to Doug, came back to me. 

She was trying to tell me something, obviously, but I was in super sleepy mode. I tried to get her to just settle down, cuddle up with me, and go back to sleep. 

She left. I should have followed.

I fell back asleep. I heard Doug's alarm go off at 6, he had to go to the office today so he got up early. I heard him feed the dogs and let them out. I didn't hear him shower, or leave. The joys of the guest room. 

I woke up at 8, after hearing Geoff come upstairs to the kitchen. Then, I let the dogs out again, and went to get my coffee.

Someone (probably Toffee?) had thrown up on the couch. She eats a lot of wood and bird seed and well, there are repercussions to that. I'm used to it. I cleaned it up, and got out the fabric/upholstery shampooer machine dealie so I could run it. After Coffee. 

And then I thought Jeeez Doug should have seen this, or texted me about it. I understand if he was leaving for work but ... tell me? 

Heading back for my next cuppa coffee, I turned the corner, and on the doggie bed by Toffee's kennel was a distinctly Dahlia sized pile of poo. Thanks. 

Also ice cold, so if Doug saw this, he left it. Easy pick up, just ... do it? I'll be sure to ask him what's up with that but. I cleaned it up. And then the upholstery cleaner and I got to work.

I'm not sure why she'd be doing this. She goes out late enough, and she has been super good at not pooping in the house. Not sure what gives. 

I thought about letting her out at 5-ish when she was fussing around, but I would have wanted to go out with her so she didn't just indiscriminately bark at shit all over the place. She's so barky. And at 5am, my neighbors do not deserve this. And I didn't want to put on yoga pants.

There are days I want to keep her and other days I'm pretty sure she needs to live somewhere else. 

It is pouring out today and I let them out to do their thing. Toffee normally never goes outside if even the sidewalk is damp. But Dahlia does not care. And Toffee follows. You can tell she has immediate regret. They went out, came back in, and Dahlia's feet are GIANORMOUS mud mittens. There are footprints all over the kitchen. 

Good thing I didn't mop, and, well, now I have to. 

Anyway. We had a great day, just us girls. Got a lot of work done, and they were both so overjoyed when Doug came home. Dahlia has never had a Dougless day here at the house! The joy was palpable!

Here they are hogging up where I sit to work. Jerks. Adorable Jerks. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  2 Indoor walks. 33 min/1.87 miles. Had to get a shower and get ready for a meeting so I ended the walk. then I was pushing some steps in so i can hit 10k and did 12 min/.53 mile.  10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 167
4:30pm: 124
10:30pm: 101


8am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
12:30pm: BLT salad
2:30pm: protein shake
4:30pm: container of chicken salad
6pm: metformin+glipizide
8pm: 2 slices of multi super grain bread w/pb (was not hungry for what I made the boys for dinner)
9pm: jardiance

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Slightly better

Managed a good night's sleep last night. Having Zquill handy is very helpful. I'm able to fall asleep relatively quickly and can get through to 2 or 3am and that's when I wake up. I go pee, if Doug's not snoring, I come back to bed. If he is, I go to the guest room and listen to a podcast, or not. Sometimes not. And sometimes I fall right back asleep, which is what happened today. 

So a nice big chunk of sleep until Dahlia came to me at 6:45am. Oh hello. Good morning. okay. we're up. 

Even though I felt really gross today I put in the full day of work, and then some. I thought about leaving for the gym and the market at 3pm after my last meeting wrapped but I dove into some other things. Doug came up at 4:30 and was disinterested in the market. Geoff was still at work. And we decided to take the dogs for walks. Getting my walk in was important, and Dahlia needed it too.

Doug went one direction with Toffee, I went the other with Dahlia. I probably could have gone another couple blocks but I was ready to go home. It was a good, brisk walk. She did well on the leash. I was able to jog a little and she was super good with that. 

There are days when I just want to keep her, and others when I just want it to be Toffee and me.

We still didn't have anything for dinner. Sadly. Doug took things out of the freezer to make dinner and I was thankful for that. It was a nice effort. The rice was good. The pork pieces were not so awesome. Geoff had class tonight, so he was happy to eat and get to school. 

So I ate a lot of rice, regrettably. My sister let me know she was in the car so I called her. She had some updates for me about her weekend, so I walked while she talked. And I got an extra couple blocks in. 

Then I ate Oreos. Regrettably. 

Tomorrow, Doug has to go into his office, I've got meetings on top of meetings. But because he's out of the house, I'll maybe try to vacuum between calls. Needs done. 

Digits below a nice dog who is waiting patiently for Doug and Toffee to come home from their walk (five minutes later). Catchin' some rays.


exercise: 12/12 hours. Two walks. One with Dahlia (20 minutes/1.02 miles), and one while talking to my sister (15 minutes/.72 miles) 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 160
5pm: 154
11pm: 93


9am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
12:30pm: grilled cheese w/4 slices of swiss, turkey, sourdough bread. one Entenmann's chocolate donut (see yesterday's post about shopping at target when hungry)
6pm: metformin+glipizide
6:15pm: doug's fried rice w/pork (the pork was leftover/defrosted, not good, so.... mostly rice)
8:45pm: jardiance
9pm: a lot of oreo cookies
vodka tonics

Monday, March 03, 2025

Don't go to Target while hungry

I did take today off of work. Not because I just felt like it,  but I think I jinxed myself yesterday and ended up having a reason.

I didn't get any sleep last night and woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap. We went to bed at 10:30 and Doug didn't put on his CPAP. The podcast that we were listing to ended, and he has it on a timer to just not play another episode, and I was wide awake, wanting to hear something other than snoring. 

Into the guest room, listening to a different podcast, and just not falling asleep at all. It was after 4am when I really fell asleep. Toffee came in the bedroom and hogged up the bed horribly. I had to get up and poop repeatedly so I was afraid to actually fall asleep too. 

6am came and I was actually sleeping alright at that point. Doug's alarm went off because he had a very early meeting. I messaged my boss that I was taking a sick day. Which I never do. I will work here through being sick, and just keep the camera off and keep to myself but, I wanted none of it. 

I messaged a couple besties and asked them to do things for me, for us, for the team. They sure did. I went back to sleep until about 8:30. The dogs were playful and noisy. Geoff left for the gym and was noisy, and I had to pee. 

For lunch I made chicken salad again, and got a shopping list together. I tried to convince Geoff to go but he said he was busy studying for a test tomorrow. Okay thanks. 

I was way overdue for some blood work, so I had to go out anyway. I thought I'd take a nap and tried but could not fall asleep. I gave up at 3:30 and waited for my phone to charge. I finally left at 4:30. Because of course, I can't get out of my own way sometimes.

Had I left earlier, I would have gone to the gym first but. It was just enough to lab visit and get food. 

I go to Target when we need homegoods like paper towels and dish soap. They have everything I need at a better price than Giant, but they are sometimes missing a few things. That's okay, I'll send Geoff tomorrow for some additional things like low sugar preserves and Spray & Wash. 

But really, I should not go to Target if I'm hungry. I bought a lot of junk food and stuff I (we) just don't need. I know Doug and Geoff will just eat it, but my body was kind of like "oh hey, Double Stuff Oreos. How YOU doin?"

The kicker of the day was that I forgot that one of my clients was doing a tech switch over tonight at 7pm. Thankfully I put a meeting on my google calendar so I got an alert while I was eating dinner. Ope, as they say. Everything went perfectly, and I was delighted. 

That's about it. I'd call out tomorrow too but I have so many meetings that I just can't skip. 

I'll be sure to shower.


exercise: 12/12 hours. No gym/walk today. 6500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:15am: 121
4:30pm: 113
10pm: 137


8:15am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
11am: bowl of chicken salad
6:15pm: metformin+glipizide
7pm: bowl of penne w/meat sauce
7:30pm: ramekin of cashews

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Did you shower today?

 Thursday was the last day I showered. 

Not really like me, to be honest. I shower daily because I am usually on zoom calls with clients, or my team. 

I passed on Friday because everything was so busy and I didn't even get to take a decent lunch time. I put a bandana headband on my head to push the bangs out of my face and my hair actually looked nice, so. It wasn't a problem. Just something new, different, weird. 

I sometimes skip showering in the morning, do my first wave of work/email, and shower at lunch, but Friday this was not possible. And around 3pm, 4pm, I didn't feel like it so I let it go. 

Saturday I just couldn't be bothered.  We were not going anywhere, and all I did was walk Toffee. After the walk, again, just didn't feel like showering. 

So today, I went to the gym and the market. While I was on the treadmill I just thought to myself that I was a gross person. So gross. Why are you out in public at all. What are you thinking. When I got home, I took a shower. Finally. I didn't want to shower before the gym just to get hot and sweaty again, naturally

Sometimes, you get in the shower and you say to yourself "Oh wow. This is exactly what I needed." I had the water up super hot. I scrubbed all of me with a facecloth. I washed my hair and used conditioner like an adult. I stood there for a long time. And I realized dinner was not going to make itself.

Afterwards, I felt not like a million bucks, but maybe thirty five dollars and twenty seven cents. Much better than the zero I was feeling for the past couple days.

My running joke with a couple of my friends is 

  • Are you hydrated?
  • Did you get enough sleep?
  • How about some fresh air, did you go outside today? 
And I think adding "did you shower?" to the list may be important.

I'm still feeling down, and my head and heart hurt. My mother in law called today and Doug was taking a nap, so she and I talked for an hour. She is dreadfully upset and concerned about everything that is happening with the current administration. I think she needed someone to talk to. She follows current events closely, and when she talks to Doug he is a bit dismissive of how she is feeling, and he isn't very supportive or in agreement with her. 

He's not really in agreement with me either. Sadly. 

I have to say, it is a relief to hear someone talk the way she did, when she is a someone that I did not think would. 

"I'm not going to be around much longer," she said (but honestly, she will, mind you) "and I'm just so upset about what is happening and what we are going to leave for others. It's devastating to me." 

She asked about my job, and honestly, I don't think any of this will impact my job. Who knows. We talked about snow and ice, about our guest dog, and how much she loves shredding old documents and paperwork. 

It was a nice chat. We don't get to talk too often. 

For dinner, I got the makings for french bread pizzas, with skinny french bread that kind of broke into many pieces for some reason and I didn't think dinner would work out. I wanted to put ground sausage, peppers, mushrooms, all over the pizza but it felt like I was just making glorified bread sticks. It felt horribly disappointing in the prep phase. I only put on pepperoni, but Doug and Geoff said it was pretty good. 

Shocked at how low my glucose readings were after that dinner. Took it three times and picked the highest of the readings (lowest was 97) for the "official" list here. 

Tomorrow I may take the afternoon off. I just do not feel like working. Sadly. Just not feeling it. 

Another escape on the treadmill may be in order. And I need blood work done. So maybe I'll ditch in the afternoon. One of my clients is doing a thing at 7pm that I told them I'd help monitor so. Flex time.

Digits below. I have pictures but don't feel like moving them off my phone. Meh.


exercise: 12/12 hours.   Treadmill and grocery store. 58 minutes/2.52 miles 12k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 145
5pm: 141
10pm: 115


8:15am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
11am: homemade egg mcmuffin w/double sausage patty
6pm: metformin+glipizide
6:30pm: french bread pizza
white wine
8:30pm: jardiance

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Mental and Physical break

Last night, I fiished working and shut the computer and decided I was not going to look at it again. I had watched the press conference with Trump and his ilk, and Zelenskyy, and was sick to my stomach watching it. I don't want to write too much about it or how I feel, but suffice to say, I didn't see it as an example of American Exceptionalism.

I went to bed last night, still furious about it. My fitbit told me I was earning exercise points from an elevated heart rate for about an hour, and it wasn't wrong. 

Didn't sleep well. And realized that I didn't do an entry here. 

That's okay. I blend days sometimes and that's alright. 

Geoff worked today so he was up very early. I set the coffeemaker up for him in advance so I didn't need to listen to him bang around the kitchen, and wake up the dogs. But the dogs did wake up. Of course. Action in the food room! Must go see! 

He fed them at 6am and I think Doug woke up at 7ish, in time to see him off for the day. 

We sat around the house. My head hurt (and my heart still hurts from what we saw yesterday). At around 3pm Doug decided to go for a walk, but he'd only be taking one dog. This would mean if I stayed here, I'd have to listen to the other one cry because of the hateful criminal act committed unto her. 

I decided I'd take Toffee if he took Dahlia. We walked separate directions, which confused Toffee at first but she settled down and we had a great walk. I added an extra block around, it was windy but warm. Good pace, glad I went. Doug and Dahlia got back before us because his ankle hurts. He twisted it in the yard whent he dogs crashed into him while playing. So I wasn't surprised to see him here when I returned. 

He and dogs napped and it got to be late-ish. Geoff would be home soon and we had no dinner plans. Lucky for us, Geoff bought some bbq pulled pork stuff at Aldi the other day, the same day that Doug made slow cooker pulled pork. Ha. So we saved it for a few days and I am glad it was there. No motivation to do much of anything. 

Proud of myself for taking a walk though. 

There was a lot of this today. Poor Octopus. Digits below. 

Saturday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours.  Toffee walk - 25 minutes/1.19 miles, 8k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 135
4pm: 113
11pm: 135


9:30am: phentermine
11am: metformin+glipizide
12:30pm: last of the chicken salad w/ some iceberg lettuce
6pm: metformin+glipizide
6:30pm: pulled pork bbq from aldi
7pm: bowl of fritos

Friday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours.  No walk, took a break. 5600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7:30am: 131
4pm: 116
11pm: 95


no phentermine, waiting on script
10am: metformin+glipizide
11:30am: chicken salad w/grapes and pecans
4:15pm: ramekin of trail mix (mostly peanuts and pepitas, spicy!)
6pm: metformin+glipizide
through the evening: vodka & diet tonic; christmas cookies (maybe 6 small ones and one big one)
8:30pm: jardiance

I actually forgot what we had for dinner last night. huh.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

A Day of Talking to Moms

Today I ended up not breaking the 10k steps for the first time in a long time. I just couldn't push myself to get beyond 8k. It was an incredibly busy day. A few big calls, and a system outage, and some chaos. 

I did start the day with a chat with my mom. Every 27th of the month I pay her rent, and call her to tell her I did, or she'll call me to ask me if I did. Like.... I'd forget. 

Whenever I talk to my mom, it's almost like she's doing a current events roundup like a talk show. "So, how about that kid in Texas with the mumps? What about the Kennedy Library shutting down?" And I get to hear about the neighbors. 

Sometimes it is a little exhausting but Doug pointed out she's with it. Not like someone who forgets it is Christmas and then blames her son for not reminding her. True true true. 

Doug ended his workday talking with his mom. She's incredibly upset about the current administration (he ... isn't?) and so she had a lot to say. They talked for an hour while I made dinner. I was going to ask him to make dinner so I could go to the gym but. I let him do his convo and I did the dinner stuff. 

I'm very tired today. It was a lot. 

That said. Off to bed! 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  Indoor walk while dinner was cooking. 20 min/.90 miles. 8k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 131
5pm: 151
9:30pm: 156


no phentermine this morning - waiting for prescription fill
10am: metformin+glipizide
10:30am: left over chicken broccoli alfredo and pasta; protein shake
11am: apple w/pb
5pm: metformin+glipizide
6pm: rotini w/meat sauce
8pm: pretzel chips w/hummus
8:45pm: jardiance

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Soup Season

Today ended up being an amazingly busy day. We had a code push, some things weren't perfect, I had two calls with clients for the project that I am almost almost almost done with (Lord help me) and one was a re-call from the other day, a call that didn't go well. Not because of the person on the other end, but the technology and the situation. Super frustrating and infuriating. I brought my sysadmin to this call thinking that it would be like taking the car to the mechanic - this time, just because he's here, it'll work fine. 

But it didn't and he's even stumped. Ugh. 

I had a really good check-in with my manager. There is a lot going on, a lot of political stuff that has direct implications on our business. It's a little scary. But we fit in some Guster chat, and talked about our moms. Being able to have that kind of a gentle connection with your manager is very nice.

Geoff had a recipe picked out for dinner tonight. A chicken chowder. But he forgot the half and half he needed. I promised I'd go grab some while he was at work, thinking at 3 I'd be free and clear. But no. Around 4:30 I finally had a break in the action. 

I wanted a trip to the gym and the market is next door. So. Off I went. Did only about 25 minutes on the treadmill and then didn't turn off the exercise feature on my fitbit, and walked to the market and did my shopping. This gets me some extra measured time, and it was a lot of walking around the market because where did they hide the olives?

I also got a nice loaf of crusty french bread. They were just putting them in the bakery display window when I walked by so, who could resisit! When I got home he had things mostly made and just needed what I brought. 

He did a great job, but I need to teach him how to make a better roux. It was kind of lumpy, not creamy. Learning and evolving, that's the way you do it in our kitchen. 

I did some more work after dinner, talked to Linda for an hour or so. No picture today. I'm so boring. 

Alright! More tomorrow. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  Treadmill and grocery store, 39 minutes/1.53 miles. 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:15am: 132
4pm: 112
10:30pm: 97


8:30am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
11:30am: english muffin w/turkey and 2 slices of muenster cheese
6pm: half a bag of kettle corn (should not go to the market when i am hungry)
6:30pm: metformin+glipizide
7pm: bowl of chicken chowder soup w/corn and bacon (a la chef geoff)
8:30: jardiance

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Double Dog Walk

I had a 6pm client call tonight so I flexed time a little bit. The thought was to go to the gym, but it was 60 degrees, and 4:30pm, and I was suddenly feeling like walking a dog. You can't walk both dogs at the same time. Doug was still working. If you take one, the other freaks. So I figured I'd walk Dahlia, she really needs a walk daily.  Toffee can go without and be happy as a potato. 

Dahlia actually did really well on the leash for me. We kind of walked fast, not jogging like at the gym, and there are hills so I felt it in muscles I've not been using. I need to start using the incline on the treadmill to get that hilly action.  

We did a really nice loop, and I was feeling really good so I took her back and got the Toffinator. She loves a walk, and she's good on the leash unless she sees another dog. 

Or, until she shits in the middle of the sidewalk. Ugh. I cleaned up after her and we headed home. I hate carrying a poop bag. 

All told, Dahlia got 20 solid fast walking minutes and Toffee got the 10 minute cool down. 

The client call went great. We were done by 7. Follow up emails sent. Life is good. 

Geoff made dinner. And that's the excitement. 

More more more meetings tomorrow and I have to spin up a revisit on a call from today that didn't wrap up just right but I know what to do. 

Alright, no picture because walking a dog and listening to the playlist makes for difficult picture taking. 

More tomorrow!


exercise: 12/12 hours. Outside dog walk/s. 30 min/1.39 miles. Last minute indoor walk getting the last 1000 steps of the day (the fitbit did measuring.   12 min/.48 miles; 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 126
5pm: 121
10:45pm: 143


8:30am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
11am: bowl of plain greek yogurt w/blueberries & tiny bit of splenda
3pm: 2 long stalks of celery w/pb; some pepperoni
6pm: metformin+glipizide
6:45pm: some of the slow cooker pork roast from last night over some french fries. ramekin of trail mix (mostly peanuts)
8:30pm: jardiance

Monday, February 24, 2025

RIP Dodge

We got an early morning start today. Again, the dog. Good morning, Sunshine. Aren't you chipper at 6:45am. And barking. Okay. I'm up. 

Doug and Geoff took a trip up to the garage at 8am to drop the Dodge off, and it died completely on the way. Geoff was driving and pulled over, Doug was at the garage waiting for him. Long story short but... it's dead. Totally dead. Not worth fixing. 

We haven't had it all that long, four years I guess. A pandemic purchase. I'm disappointed. But I'm kind of relieved because if I were to drive to Massachusetts, that would have been the car I took, and ha. It deciding to die like that in the middle of the Jersey Turnpike, well, that'd suck, eh? 

Doug and our mechanic had a long talk this afternoon, weighing the options. We just put a ton of money into the Cooper, and the amount of cash it would take to fix this one tilts the scales for the value proposition based on the mileage on the beast. So Doug will find the title, we'll sell it for scrap, and buy something new. 

He recently transferred money from his Etrade account into our bank account so he could move it into an IRA (he wheels and deals with this kind of shit) so we've got a fat lump of cash sitting in there, and he can figure out what to do next. 

So we're a one car family again. Not like Doug is driving to the office, or me, or Geoff needs it for work because he walks the mile and a quarter to and from every day. He starts a class in person at the end of March so he'll be driving to Virginia then. So we have time to get things figured out. He does not enjoy the Cooper because he thinks it is too small. So hopefully he and Doug will find a car that fits him. 

For me, the Cooper is perfect. Quick, small, easy to park, fun, fits the groceries I need in the back, can hold one dog nicely and comfortably. So I have no complaints with it. 

While the boys were dealing with the Dodge, I did a walk in the house. I did 25 minutes, should have pushed it to 1/2 hour. But I thought they'd be back any second. 

Doug took the day off after his morning of car trauma. He got the pork roast into the slow cooker and day drank and took a nap. I was full of jealousy. He woke up and went to the market for some more things to go with dinner, like he wanted egg noodles and something else. 

I just worked. Work work work. 

The best part of him taking the day off is he is making dinner, he went to the market, he is just doing stuff. He's doing it all in my space while I'm trying to work but heck. He's doing it. And I don't have to. So I was able to focus and get things done. Right up to dinner time.

Glad I fit in the walk before 9am that I got. Whew! And then I crammed in 2k steps after dinner and before bed. 

digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  Indoor walk, 25 min/1.29 miles; 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7am: 128
4:30pm: 133
10pm: 109


7am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide 
10:45am: walnut raisin bread w/pb
3pm: some left over chicken, sauce, and a touch of rice
6pm: metformin+glipizide
6:30pm: slow cooker pork in gravy and a scoop of mashed potatoes
8:30pm: jardiance

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sun's Up, Dahlia's Up

I feel like it has been such a long day and ... well, it has. 

Toffee will sleep until we get up, but the second Dahlia sees sunlight it's Rise and Shine, everyone! She's been here like a month, and when she got here it was darker later. But now, the sun is up before 7am and it's time for breakfast. 

Doug had gone into the guest room at some point last night, so she got up and followed him. Then she came back in to sleep with me and Toffee. This is the eastern facing windows, even with the black out curtains you see the sun peeking in. So. She got up, and started pacing. 

Eventually, her little chirp of a whimper was getting to me AND I had to pee. So. We're up. I thought we'd let Doug keep sleeping so I went to close the door and they barreled past me, jumped on the bed. Good morning Doug. 

We did  a whole lot of nothing this morning, I did laundry. Doug cuts his own hair, and I do the Quality Control to the best of my ability. He showered, and I did an indoor walk while he was doing that. I thought maybe we'd be going out to do something but we didn't. He decided it was time to read which is code for "nap." 

I went to the gym. 

I was on the treadmill, and remembered today was D&D day. So I only did a half hour, and packed it in to rush home. Not enough time for a shower for myself, just enough time to get set up in the guest room. 

But I did run to quite a few songs. Red Hot Chili Peppers gots some BANGERS for fast pace, yo.

We had a great game session, not quite as good as two weeks ago, but it was still a riot. We are very good at cliff hangers. Good day all 'round. Digits below from when the dogs were polite and quiet while I was playing my game. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 2 walks: inside, 20 min/.9 miles; treadmill at the gym, 30 min/1.56 miles. 11k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7:15am: 121
4pm: 123
9:45pm: 145


7:30am: Phentermine
9am: Metformin+glipizide
10am: 2 slices of farmstand raisin oatmeal bread w/pb
4pm: protein shake
white wine (DnD time)
6pm: Metformin+glipizide
6:15pm: bowl of mac & cheese w/bacon
7pm: last slice of cheesecake w/berries and whipped cream
8pm: giant chunk of white cheddar
9:45pm: jardiance