Friday, May 23, 2003

geoff's first tooth...

Doug went to the market yesterday and bought the new Hulk version of Hershey's chocolate syrup.

It's quite green. Geoff loves it -- loves it so much he put chocolate syrup in four glasses this morning (filling the glass 1/2 way) and then put some milk in. Quite messy and wasteful. And it is really really green and psychologically unsettling to drink green milk.

I used the syrup in iced coffee today, and it was an unbelievably nasty color. But it tasted just the same.

Scary thing is -- it has had a colorizing impact on my, outbound production as it were. It's very strange to see green in the toilet after seeing brown for many years. I think I'll pass on using any more. And I'll not speak any further of production in the nether regions.

Yesterday Geoff lost his first tooth. I was wondering when this would finally happen. Everyone of the kids in his class has at least one grown up tooth. His tooth started getting wiggly early this week, and we encouraged him to wiggle it until it came out. While I was out seeing Buford on Friday night, he asked Doug to pull it out. Doug checked it and said that it wasn't ready yet, and that Geoff should wiggle it more.

Saturday afternoon he came up to me with a tissue in his hand and said "Uh, a little help here." He'd wiggled it straight forward but couldn't get it out and it was at the point where he couldn't just ignore it and go on with life. So I did what any mom would do. I suppressed my squick senses and grabbed hold of the tooth. I told him to tell me if it hurt and I'd stop. I pulled and I could (this is gross, so avert your eyes and skip to the next paragraph if you hate this kind of thing) hear the tooth ripping out of his head. I stopped and said "are you sure it doesn't hurt?" He said no... and I pulled again, more ripping and boom.

Tooth out. I almost started crying. He was so hard core and tough, unlike on a daily basis when he bumps his arm or toe or head and freaks like bloody murder. He sat there and let me take it out... and I could see his grown up tooth right where it should be. Amazing.

If you mouse over the picture above, you can see the "after" shot of this "before" shot. I decided not to put them side by side in case you, dear reader, were squicked beyond belief. I'm so sensitive to my public, aren't I?

So that's been the big weekend excitement here. I slept until noon today. So there haven't been any more exciting and cool moments. I've seen enough monkey references today to last for the next five days... what with the entire army of monster monkey beings in the Power Puff Girls movie. But trying to count all of them forward to cover the coming days violates the monkey a day principle. We'll see what other monkeys cross my path soon.

By the way -- In the "this week in (a)musings history," I've linked over to this day last year and it is by far one of my favorite entries. I just re-read it. And it floods me back with so many memories, of 1988, of last year, of a life missing in action. You can click on that one and go read it if you want, I mean, since you're here...

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