Monday, February 15, 2021

90% moved

We don't have internet at the new house yet. I'm at the old house, where we still have internet (Today is a holiday so Verrrreyezin had to put us off until tomorrow for the switch-over). 

Geoff has a test tomorrow morning, Doug has to work. Internet is here. So they'll be here in the morning. 

Coffee will be here, too, so the boys will get themselves set up for their things in the morning, and I'll figure myself out. 

I think I'll be mostly down the other house, unpacking and organizing. I still have to do more packing/cleaning here, but for right now, I'll stay out of Doug and Geoff's way while they're here for the most part. 

I took tomorrow off, wishing I took the whole week off. Oh there is so very much to do. So much. Ohhh, so much.

On Saturday, we had a crazy ice storm which set us back a full day for moving stuff on our own. It did give us more time to pack though, and get organized. The best we could.

Sunday, I got up at 6am, went to the market for some milk for my coffee, and thankfully they had a ton of ice melt there. What a relief. Happy Valentine's day. Here's some ice melt! I love you! 

I got danishes and we had a leisurely morning. Got the ice melted, and the boys got to work.

They schlepped, I packed. They schlepped, I packed. Oy. We got a lot done, but I felt it was not at all enough.

For today, we hired a moving company. They were great. Sent over 5 guys to bust their asses, it cost us 1300 bucks, lunch, 50 bucks each for a tip, and some beer at the end of everything with some good laughs and great success had. I got up at 6 to continue packing, and to also get things off of the tops of other things, like the dining table, my bureau, so that everything could be moved. 

Right now, here at the old house, we have some piles of things that need brought down. Doug will be focused on his work project, big huge presentation one week from today. I'll do all I can and hopefully he won't be too wiped out to help me with more stuff. And around 3pm, hopefully we'll have internet down at the new place. 

But ugh.... the whole no internet at the new place is is so annoying. I wish it had worked out to have them at the house this morning but alas. No. I'd love to be just crashed out on my own couch typing this right now instead of sitting in a folding chair in the living room, the big empty living room, but it is what it is. 

After the moving crew left, Doug and Geoff came up to get more things. I made the beds, and put things in the linen closet. I then allowed myself some quiet time without the boys and chatted with my mom.

I noticed our new bedroom is much bigger than our old bedroom, which is kind of great.

There are things I love about the new place, like a lot more closet space, tons more living space finished in the basement, and so many outlets. We can put an over the toilet cabinet in the bathroom, which we could not here, so in-bathroom storage was a challenge. Geoff's bathroom downstairs has room for shelves so he can have his own towels and storage. In the old house, his bathroom was a tiny closet and I don't even know how he fit into the shower stall. Both bathrooms have exhaust fans, which is great. That was lacking here.

Things I do not like are no overhead lighting in the bedrooms so we need bedside tables I guess. The bathroom has a weird step-up and I keep stubbing my toes. The kitchen is so small. Not a lot of cabinet space, and two of the cabinets under sink will disappear when they put in the dishwasher next week. There is no exhaust hood over the stove, which sucks. The fridge and the stove are right next to each other, which I do not like. I'm worried about them being too close together. But a lot of rentals around here are like that, which just confuses me. I'm going to have to figure out how to protect the fridge from my cooking. 

Or my son's cooking. 

There is no countertop next to the stove, which sucks super bad for people who cook every day. All food prep has to be done behind the chef, or, we get a small rolling kitchen island to roll over to the stove and then push back. I'll have to research that. 

We have the rent paid at old place until the end of the month so I'm not in a giant hurry to get us moved tomorrow 100%. We have a lot of stuff in the kitchen still, and the pantry. Our property owner here came to the house with a realtor as the homeowner is getting ready to sell, and they toured the house while we were in the midst of packing. 

I'm very tired, Doug is watching "Outlander," and I think I'm done for the night. I'm going to walk the three doors down the street and get ready for bed.

Here we go for our next two years, and who knows how long beyond that. 

Hello, little house.

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