Saturday, August 14, 2021

In The Valley

I want to write up a full entry on the Red Rocks/Guster/Denver trip. I can't believe that happened weeks ago and we're now here at August 15th. So many good memories, and such a great time. Ah me, oh my heart. 

More recently though, we went to help Doug's mom with her packing and moving. We were under the impression we would be doing work. 

That did not happen.

It was not a full wash out but I have feelings about the whole week we spent there, and I am kind of angry. I'm not sure who reads this journal anymore, so I'm reluctant to really to pour my heart out. Suffice to say. It was not the best week, I did not enjoy myself at all. And coming off the joy of the Guster trip and travel with friends where we all worked together to make it the best experience, man. This has made me bitter.


  • Attended Doug's family reunion. It was not well attended. All of his mom's level of family/cousins are sad because of it. 
  • Condo is really nice. Almost too nice. Kind of weird to be there.
  • Brought over the patio bench and chair.
  • Brought over 2 bookcases and a metal shelf.
  • Brought over several small boxes of things.
  • Purchased a TV, wall mount, scheduled install.
  • Purchased laptop (surface pro). 
  • Got internet connected.
  • Helped configure her phone for better use and put all the contact numbers in there.
  • I made a record of all the passwords/codes, so if someone forgets they can easily ask us.
  • Visited Ohio for the Rogers Sale and got some things (rather than just coming home sunburned and empty handed).
  • Visited Home Laughlin's China in West Virginia and went into the Seconds section, and bought a ton of plates/bowls/etc to replace all the mismatched stuff we use daily. 
  • Quality time with our niece, nephew, and Doug's sister.
  • Quality time talking with mom (when freakouts were not happening). 
  • Good pizza! So good. 


  • Given stuff to bring back with us (It was a challenge to put it in the Jeep, lads).
  • Dog traumatized by kennel (injured himself, puked/shat in it 2x). And then I was traumatized by his trauma.
  • Cleanup from second dog explosion = not a very happy event with lots of tears and crying (not just me). 
  • DWG - frustrated with absolute lack of progress at old house in regards to packing/cleaning/organizing, when we specifically came out there to move so many things. He vacillates between "there is no big hurry for her to move, she'll do it in her time, she has 53 years of stuff to sort through" and "oh my GOD. Why can't she just put 10 books in a box and move them?! Why has she not sorted through things? What is this pile of shit on the dining table, it's all junk mail, why won't she just put that in the recycling and move it! There are no end tables/patio tables at the new house so we can't put anything on a table. Can't we just bring something over For Fuck's SAKE!" 
  • GWG - frustrated with lack of things to do and felt he wasted a week being there. Doesn't see the purpose in maybe just spending time. Antsy, pacing the cage, none of this is his style. Drank a lot of beer due to boredom. But bought cool sunglasses at Rogers, so he liked that.
  • Me - overwhelmed by how unbelievably stubborn MIL is, how no one can make decisions, how both DWG and mom say "I don't care" when it comes to decisions but it is obvious they do care. Annoyed that decisions get made but then plans change because the person who did not care suddenly has a different idea. Wanted to see my friend Joe but wasn't able to (it's ok - I saw him at the Guster concert in July) 
We got back a week ago, and I basically just kind of shut down, focused on work all week. I think it was Wednesday when I finally gave Doug a full unload of my feelings about what we went through. What I went through. 

He owes me.

And I told him I really do not intend to go back and "help" until actual help is needed. So go ahead, if she asks you or wants you to come up, go ahead. 

Basically what it comes down to is she isn't ready to move, and keeps talking about if she doesn't like being there, she'll sell it and move back to the house. So she does not intend to fully move out. It's clear to me. She's not going to sell the old house. So why bother moving out fully. It's a game. This is dumb and a waste of my time. I'm not interested. 

I'm trying to be merciful to her position but also am completely dumbfounded by it. I'm gobsmacked. 

Doug has told me my mom is difficult but, to be honest, nah son - she wins. 


One of the highlights of this trip for me was going to West Virginia to the Homer Laughlin Fiesta Tableware store. We spent a great deal of time in the Seconds section, and we put together a nice setting for 6 of the different sized plates/bowls. 

Buying their stuff at market price, that blue container at the top is a dog bone container - and it is $86 retail. In the seconds? $20. Scores abound. 

I've always wanted Fiestaware. It is durable, colorful, fun. I've especially wanted a pitcher for iced tea or sangria or who knows what. 

They had white and purple ones of those pitchers, Doug didn't like the purple because you can't see what is inside so we went with white. 

The turquoise tray is for a dozen deviled eggs. We have yellow bowls and 10" plates, 7" blue plates, some purple/black dessert plates, white coffee mugs, orange and blue deep "bistro" bowls. I wanted something red thrown in here and he said he already felt like a Crayola crayon box barfed all over the place so we didn't mix in red. 

All told, all of the pieces we bought came to less than $150. Retail this would be close to $800. 

We have been enjoying our plates and bowls. I have not made deviled eggs yet but we have 2 dozen eggs so hey - I can do that any time! I want to set up a nice photo shoot of all the things, because I like them so much. 

Geoff asked me what we'd be doing with all our other plates, all the Martha Stewart Collection plates from K-Mart that Doug bought when he was like 4. Other bowls and things we've got. I am going to pack those up and hold them aside - he can have them for when he moves out, and they'll do him good for starter plates. 

That was a delightful highlight of the trip. I enjoyed myself immensely. And I'll go back for sure. 

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