Monday, August 23, 2021

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

As promised from yesterday's post about Morning Glories. The pictures will be big because I was too lazy to do some crops and they are phone oriented, mostly. Doug needs to give that one bush by the front steps a little haircut. It is starting to look silly. But it is hot as fuck out there, God bless anyone who has to be out there working right now. Holy crap. Anyway. Here are a couple pictures. 

Realizing that morning glories bloom in the morning, this picture was taken at 9am. So it just looks like a shit ton of leaves. I was sad to see how many of them were closed up so early. 

I'll try and get a shot with them all open, gotta get up earlier!  

Outside in front of the house where the gate is, I had planted about 3 morning glory plants on each of the posts in July. It took forever for them to grow and get to the point where I could thread them up into the chain link, but once they got going, they got going!

I had mentioned the "dead" tree trellis yesterday. I should have taken pictures of what it was doing down the base where it was trying to grow up new life and I took it away. Sorry, tree. It's not dead for sure, just this part, I guess. So we decided to let the morning glories do their thing, and they are climbing! Every day we come out and encourage the vines along the branches. It is starting to work and there they go! 

As you can see here, a bunch of the vines are twined together. This all happened when I was in Denver or when we were in Pittsburgh, and this is super hard to undo. I still might undo it and thread the vines down the chain link fence to fill in the blanks down there below.

This one little flower was open, most everything else was a closed little trumpet. Bees were trying to get inside but their cute little fat butts wouldn't fit in. If they flew onto the other side of the fence though, they'd find this one and a couple others open, waiting in the shade! Or, maybe they already visited this little one and I missed it. 

I am happy to see them thriving so well and looking so wild, almost feral compared to all of my neighbors yards which are perfectly kept, perfectly neat (to steal a line from Guster). We have always preferred the wild gardens, and yeah, it's nice to have the walkway edged but it's also nice to have a wall of vines and craziness.  I will take that any day. 

I should write about the discussion I had with my neighbor to the back of the house about wild vines. I'll save that for a fresh entry.

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