Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Alone for a change

Sidenote: Several updates to the Shenanigans With Dave beer blog have been posted in the past couple weeks, if yinz wanna read about our adventures, with beer. I had decided to rekindle the storytelling there, and am enjoying it. 

Today, Doug had to go to the office for a big meeting thing. In person. Everyone. Required. Presentations! Powerpoint! Suit! Tie! The whole thing! This is the first time (well, second?) since March 2020 that he's had to go in for work. He went in to get his brand new laptop and screens, and to get his first and second vaccination shots, but this is like Big Work Day vibes. 

He left this morning at 6:15am, the "meet and greet" part of the meeting started at 7 and his boss' boss said they should be there. He was happy to go then, because he would beat the traffic. Good reason. I fell back asleep after Geoff's Uber got here to get him. 

Since we have one car, Geoff had to head to clinical via ride share. If Doug has to start going back in regularly, we may have to evaluate our one-car lifestyle, especially if Geoff is assigned to a place where Public Transportation isn't going to get him there in a timely fashion. 

Anyway. sound asleep, there I was. It might have been a good idea to just get up, but sometimes I do my best sleepies between 7am and 8:30am, when my alarm usually goes off. Today though, the trash truck woke me up just before 9am, luckily. Not the first time I've been saved by the noisy contraption and its joyous crew. I forgot to set my alarm after the one I set  for Doug went off. Thank you Tuesday.

The dog and I are home here by ourselves.

For the first time. 

In months.

This solitude is weird. I have not experienced this in quite some time. It used to be like this every Tuesday for me, in the "before times" when I had my WFH day, one day a week. 

I'm hoping to have time in between the work things I want to do, like maybe vacuum, or do something around the house that I can't usually do because Doug is always up my butt or in my way. 

Doug and I don't work in the same spaces usually. He works downstairs, has 2 monitors and a laptop all set up in a workstation. Most of the time I am upstairs. I do a lot of zoom calls and the lighting is better up here, so I prefer sitting on the couch with my lap desk. 

When I have to do something that requires my second monitor, like today when I launch a station site at 3pm, I'll go downstairs. 

Sometimes Doug puts on headphones (he says I talk very loudly, and I do... I know) and sometimes he comes upstairs and plays a game on his phone while he's waiting for me to clear out of his space. 

Pandemic WFH life has been interesting, being together all of the time. 

We're sometimes in each others' spaces, but it hasn't been too bad. We have space that we can walk away to. We also have nice times where we make each other lunch. We have a puzzle table and we'll each take turns to work the puzzle pieces as a break from work. We take turns taking the dog out. We have chats. It's nice to not be alone-alone all the time. 

But I'm enjoying today and the solitude of the morning. I am going to unload the dishwasher and reload it  (I baked cookies last night and all of those dishes are waiting to go in). I will get to vacuum. I will ponder dinner. 

It's almost like what my WFH Tuesdays used to be like when we were still in Boston. It's lunchtime, and I may make myself some tuna fish, play some music, and work the puzzle for a few. 

Here's  a picture of the latest puzzle. It's actually going very fast so I'm worried we'll be done by the weekend at this rate!

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