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"A Toast! I declare Lobsterpalooza open for business! Huzzah!" | Lobsterpalooza has officially come to a close. A&M left about 2 hours ago to head back north, aiming to stop at her mom's for dinner and visit. It was a fun weekend, although yesterday pissed rain on us the whole day. The recap goes as such -- Saturday afternoon A&M and Gonzodog arrive bearing gifts of a 1/3 keg (skinny) and 12 lobsters. We fire up the water to boil. We start the grill. We commence to having fun. |
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| Hey! Don't forget to get the rubberbands offa that thing! It'll get all stinky an'dat! |
| Geoff was overtly interested in the boiling of the lobsters. He wasn't at all upset that they were living creatures, which somewhat disturbed me and alternately made me relieved that he wasn't upset and crying. When it came time for eating, he cozied right down and got himself a fork and a lobster, enjoying the cracking, breaking, working process to get at what was inside. |
I dont think he liked the taste of it at all, but he sure enjoyed the working process to get inside. I'm quite the alternative. I hate having to work excessively hard to get a little bit of food. I enjoyed one lobster, and that was all I wanted. The potato salad and a hotdog was good for the remainder of the meal. |
We parboiled the lobsters and then grilled them. They came out wonderfully. It was quite the feast.
And it palooza'ed all night long here at the Way Out Inn. Baseball, beer, good fun, good chatting, good times good times!
Sunday it rained all damn day, but we didn't get too stir crazy. Michelle, Jessie and I went to get Jessie some hiking and cold weather/winter boots seeing as she's leaving for her trip Tuesday morning. We had fun being out, but everyone else on earth was out too, so traffic was insane. We got some more grillable things at the market, and headed home to another great barbecue feast of steak tips and grilled scallops.
Doug had to work this morning, so he was up and out by 8am. The rest of us got up and ate yummy breakfast, and eventually made it out to hike at a local state forest where we are planning to stick a geocache.
The dogs had a good swim, and we all had a good walk. It is such a gorgeous day, and it broke my heart that Doug couldn't be with us, but all told, much fun was had and I can't complain.
Jessie departs tomorrow morning for her adventure camp trip. Packing will ensue shortly. I've promised Geoff a trip to the movies while sissy is at camp. The few days she'll be gone will pass quickly. And if it's anything like it was when she was a way at summer sleepover camp, Geoff should be easy to be around and play with. I love my daughter but I'm sure looking forward to time with G-love. He's coming down with a cold, so I sure hope that it doesn't ruin the whole week for us and that whatever he's coming down with we can kick to the kerb with some vitamins and decongestant.
Doug is going to Hartford or something for 2 days and maybe to a conference in New Jersey over the weekend next weekend, so things will be a tad weird around here for a couple days. It could truly be an alone time with Geoff thing! That doesn't happen too often. We'll probably clean his room and read lots of books, especially if he's feeling poopy.
There really isn't much else to report I guess. I'm tired and in need of a nap, I hope A&M have a successful and safe ride back home to MDI. I miss them already.
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