Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Life That Ate My Blog

This is yet another week that seems to have exploded on top of my head. I went to start an entry on Tuesday but someone needed to do some stupid homework research paper. So I let her... rather than have her get a big fat F on her homework or something. And last night I worked until very late, came home, ate and watched two hours of Mythbusters.

This morning, I was all about the update. I didn't have to rush to get ready for work because I had a 9am dentist appointment. But after putting Geoff on the bus I realized that holy crap -- there wasn't a clean dish in the entire house! So I did dishes, then I showered, then I paid some bills and was five minutes late to the dentist.

I tried to write a little while eating my lunch, to email an entry to myself to refine here... but that didn't happen. I ate my lunch over a two hour period, ending up with half of it uneaten and back in the fridge to save for another day.

Mornings are all about getting the boy ready and doing homework with him. We're back into our routine from last year. So far his school year is going okay, and for that I am thankful.

Top all of that life stuff off with the fact that I just have nothing truly important to say and we find ourselves in a quandary of sorts. If there's nothing really to say, why sit down and like ... blab?

Well there is stuff going on. We met with the financial panther (which, in addition to being a really funny Simpsons reference is also some sort of cool looking band ) and are starting to figure out how to put money away for the kids for college. He did some math for us and found we could and should be saving close to 2000 a month. He asked where the 2000 a month was going and both Doug and I couldn't figure out what the deal was.

We're not good with money.

I know I'm spending a lot of it on Starbucks. And lunch out. So I plan on cutting back on both of those. And then we can put some money away. And she can go to something other than a community college and we won't have to borrow a bazillion dollars to send her, just a gazillion.

My parents are beginning their big move this weekend. They'll be coming up with boxes of stuff and I think that towards the beginning weeks of October they'll be using a moving company to get the rest of the stuff up to their new place. It occurred to me today that they won't be using their old phone number anymore. I was very sad when the area code changed from 516 to 631. But this is more of a bummer. I love their phone number and I'll be sad to lose it.

How petty of me.

Because I'm not full of anything supremely interesting, I will leave you with this.

I love a good sandwich.

I like bread that doesn't have too hard a crust on it. Crust is okay so long as it doesn't gouge my gums and the roof of my mouth. Seeds in the bread are okay too. French bread or french rolls bore the hell out of me. I enjoy a hearty, soulful bread with lots of grainy goodness.

I enjoy cheese with tomato against it, especially when it's been wrapped nicely and sitting together for a little while. I enjoy sprouts on my sandwich, and even cucumber if it is sliced very thin. Too much stuff on a sandwich is messy, and should be avoided because let's face it, then it becomes a salad with some sliced meat on top because it flops out of the bread and back upon the plate. You may as well just eat a salad.

Right. Anyone agree or disagree? Use the comments to discuss. Thanks for reading and stopping by.

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