Saturday, August 01, 2020

Rabbit, Rabbit

UPDATE: The baby arrived at 10:19pm last night so he is our little bunny for real. Welcome, Howard. Yes. Howard. Don't give him shit.

It is now August. 

I've been pretty happy with how often I am updating, and while there is literally nothing going on, thought I should usher in the month with the well wishing utterance of Rabbit, Rabbit. Allegedly it brings good luck to the family if that's the first thing you say on the first morning of the month. 

This morning, however, that is not what I said. My cel phone rang at 8:15am, as I'm on call for work, so my first utterance was "what the fresh hell is happening, so help me the CMS better not be down, sonofabitch." 

Sorry, Rabbits.

I spent about 2 hours working on the problem with one of my dev team members, and she saved the day. I literally knew I needed divine intervention on this particular one. We have an outsourced dev team, but a lot of times I have to explain things over and over and over - and they say "well we don't know if we want to do that.... perhaps we can load the site into a staging server and run a test..."

no, son. No you don't. Like seriously - I know exactly what you need to do and here's what it is, so please just do it and it doesn't have to be a whole big thing. 

I noticed she was live on slack and could not believe my luck. Reached out to her directly and she understood exactly what I was asking for her to do, and she did it. She was part of our Boston team, now she lives in Vermont, but she's literally the only person I can turn to who will know this legacy code. 

Thank God. Thank you, God. 

Finished the tech support emergency thanks to my amazing colleague and 3 cups of coffee. Then, I made chicken salad, set up some marinade for other chicken for tomorrow, answered helpdesk tickets that were left untouched since I took a half day off yesterday and Josh can only do so much with doing his job and backing me up. 

So my 4 hours off from yesterday, declared personal time, wiped away by this morning's shenanigans. 

That's okay. I'll figure out a way to make up for that.

While I got an early start for the day, Doug slept until 11. I thought about waking him up until I checked the forecast. It said we were supposed to get some serious thunderstorms in the afternoon, and I didn't want for us to be out somewhere and get stuck out in it.  

So I let him sleep. 

He never sleeps in so he obviously needed or wanted it. He's always the early riser, and my nature is to sleep until about 10am if I'm not disturbed. Sometimes that disappoints him, but I have told him he should just come in and wake me up if he wants to do something.

My best friend Aaron and his wife (from the wedding 6 years ago for people who are long term readers, all two of you) are having a baby right now

She went into the hospital on Thursday but was having contractions at home all day Wednesday. The doctor had her wait to come in until things were closer. 

They are still there. 

Things are very slowly progressing, and my heart is patiently waiting for updates over here. 

Earlier today, they'd given her an epidural, she was only 6 cm dilated, and in a great deal of pain. 


I asked him how he was holding up (since everyone ever asks about the mom I thought I'd ask my boy how he was, being his best man and all back then). 

"I'm holding up. slept on a vinyl couch for 2 nights, almost passed out from when they put in the epidural, but right now I'm rock solid."

This was good to hear. Gotta be rock solid right now. It'll be a long day or so, but. It'll be soon.

He texted me later in the day and said "Her cervix is stout." 

I've never heard that term for a cervix. What does that mean?

So I offered, "perhaps the doctor is just describing her cervix in terms of Pacific Northwest heartiness, or her Norwegian heritage... a stout cervix." 

We went back and forth about her cervix and I finally said "oh my God please do not tell her I'm making fun of her cervix." 

It is funny when someone is going through something you've went through, and you have feelings and advice. My labor with Jess was not progressing until they gave me a shot of a narcotic which helped me calm down, and then within a half hour (after 12 hours of nothing) I was able to get to the start pushing part. 

My hope is that they'll all be all set for August 1st for a birthday. I texted him last night when he updated me that August 1 is a great day to be born. 

So here's to our little rabbit rabbit. May they arrive soon. They're 3 hours behind us so there is plenty of time for this to still happen today. Perhaps they will be our sweet new little Rabbit Rabbit. 

Hoping for an update soon. 

And hey, if not ... August 2nd is a great day to be born too.

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