Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Weekend with the Stranded Boys

Phineas Update First:
Doug and I had a long talk with the Vet on Friday, and they had the pathology report and all. No bone cancer in the dog (see previous entry) and a reasonably affordable surgery to take care of the issue. 

As Doug told him, there's a huge difference between 3,000 and 13,000 so. If we are honestly way down the range there, we can do it. 

I haven't emailed his former mama B yet. It's been busy. 

His surgery is Monday. This Monday. Fast. They really wanted to get him in fast and they had the opening. So Doug said "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly," pulling from Macbeth. So there we go. 

The Weekend with the Stranded Boys:
Friday afternoon I had a doctor's appointment to get cortisone shots in my knees. The last time I had them was in 2017 and the ortho was super surprised after seeing my film that I hadn't come in sooner. But. Things haven't been a problem. Until very recently, like December was when I think I started to fall over sideways. Maybe around the same time as Phineas developed his nonsense. 

Going up and down stairs was hugely painful. One leg at a time. Right leg better than left, which she told me was weird because my right knee is worse than the left. I had to keep my blood sugar down below 200 daily 2x a day for 3 weeks, and my A1C below 8. 

My blood sugar tracking was between 120 and 170 daily. I kept a chart. And I didn't get my A1C tested until after the shots, because she was satisfied with the readings. Good thing I didn't get it test before the shots because the A1C was over 8. Not by much, but yes. And they don't give the shots if that's the case. 

Gotta get back to getting that reading down to 7 again where it was before the winter. I've been off Team Triscuit for several weeks and on Team Keto a lot. I haven't had alcohol for a week (but I am right now, as a treat. One cocktail, gin & diet tonic). 

And I have a weekend story to tell. 

While I was waiting for my shots, playing pokemon in the room (like ya do) my friend JW texted me and said she had an emergency. She was in Boston, back home, taking care of her aunt after surgery (like I took care of my cousin). Her ex lives locally to us, and was staying with the boys while she was up north. 

He had an unexpected medical emergency Friday afternoon, and had to got himself to a hospital. But, the boys would be alone all night. 

Now, in all honesty, her oldest could probably ride the solo big brother role for a night. He's so good with his little brother, and responsible like no other 15 year old I've seen. He could get the little one to bed and all and he was already  going to feed him. But she wasn't ready for that to happen yet. 

She asked me if we were in town, could I go over and stay with them overnight since Dad was going to be kept over at the hospital and she was trying to change her flight but it was too late for that night. 

We were in town indeed, but we had plans to go see Ben Folds' Declassified series at the Kennedy Center with the National Symphony Orchestra and William Shatner


The Shat Man. That's a whole entry of itself and I could talk a lot about it. 

But back to the boys. We wouldn't be home until late, after midnight and all, because the show didn't even start until 9. She said that would be fine, Josh would wait up for me.

After the show we connected with a friend of mine, Dave, and his band mate Tarquin and Tarquin's daughter. They had flown down from Connecticut to see this show, and we had a nice catch up. We thought about the possibility of going out for a drink or something but Doug reminded me that I needed to go see "The Stranded Boys." 

Dave said he hadn't heard of that band. Are they locals? 

Oh my gosh. Hysterical. 

We explained the Stranded Boys to him and it was ... truly hilarious. Everyone loved it. We agreed to connect another time, start a jam session called the Stranded Boys.  We parted ways so we could get home to get me over to the house. 

I arrived as I expected at 12:30am. Both boys were up waiting for me. The older boy had made up a bed for me in the guest room (full size bed, he couldn't find a full size top sheet but put a twin on and I smiled at how he just got it done for me. I encouraged them to bed and said we'd go out to breakfast at iHop in the morning if we were up early enough.

The younger one got up at 6:45. I woke up at 7:30. The big one got up at 8. I said that we should go soon because it was going to get crowded fast. I was right. The line for take-out was out the door and we got the last table. 

Here are my breakfast dates. My buddies. 

We had a wonderful meal, mom called while we were at breakfast and she was surprised we were having breakfast out. But I figured it was a treat. I'm sure the little one was slightly confused about Dad, and mom's plans to come home early. 

He is a little anxious and easily upset. Big tears and silence. I've gotten used to him over the years, and we're good pals. We bond over pokemon. And he thinks I'm funny. 

Breakfast was great, and then the big one was going to go to a birthday party at 1pm that his "friend" (aka, girlfriend!) was picking him up for. Sushi lunch with her, a birthday girl, and the birthday girl's .... "friend." 

Adorable. I asked him if he had a gift for the birthday girl, and he said no. I said, "oh honey. You have to have at least a card. Let's go to Target." He bought a really funny little kid card to edit it (Today you are 6.... "No you are not") and had a good laugh. I kind of loved it because hell how many times have I done that in my life. This young man is a human after my own heart!

We went back to the house to hang out. When I had gotten there last night, I noted the place looked like a bachelor pad. The dishes. Oh the dishes. The trash, overflowing. I knew there was nothing I could do about it at 12:30am, so left it for when we got back. I told the big one that mom was coming back stressed out, and we should do good things to help. 

We unloaded the dishwasher, and reloaded it again. I filled the sink again, and hand washed a ton more stuff. I watered all the plants, some of which.... well. May not be making it. He took the trash and recycling out, and then got ready for his party (all spiffy. I gave him lookin' good advice). The little one and I then watched a bunch of pokemon playthroughs and videos on Youtube, and talked a lot about pokemon. 

The little one and I decided to head over to my house for a change of scenery, and so Geoff could take the jeep to go get groceries. 

Doug took a nap, we watched more pokemon videos. 

I'm right now waiting for the big one to let me know when he is home. I think I left my purse at the house. I had it slung over my shoulder, and took it off to finish the dishes before we headed over here so I hope it is on the kitchen counter.  

I offered to pick up my friend at the airport tonight and she shushed me. But it'll be a very expensive uber ride home. I hope she changes her mind and allows us to bless her with the ride. The Dad is still at the hospital for another night so I hope she can update me and let me know what is happening with him. 

Here's a picture of the little one and Phineas, chilling on the couch. And this is perfect. The big one texted me that they are still at the sushi place, the wait for a table was huge so they went to an arcade. And they are just eating now. I'd told him to head this way when done, but he's fine. I hope the double date birthday part is just awesome. 

Life with the Stranded Boys is alright. 

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