Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hair and Weight


Yesterday morning I went in to take a shower, I pulled the scrunchie out of my hair from the overnight sleepies. I brushed my hair and just looked at the split ends and rattiness of it all. I was furious at it. What a mess.

I parted my hair in the back like I was making pony tails, held my hair on the left side of my head down around my collarbone, and I cut about 4 inches of hair away. Did the same on the right side. 

Brushed it to make sure I didn't cut 4 inches on one side, 5 on the other. 

Took the shower, washed the hair. Waited until it dried and then asked Doug if it was even. He said I pretty much nailed it, trimmed one or two spots up that were long that I missed. 

This will do until I can go get a haircut at a salon. I've cut my bangs 3 times since the pandemic started. Someone shared a good website on how-to in a slack group at work. It works out pretty well, very nicely. So now, I've got shoulder length hair. It looks like the Dutch Boy Paint Can haircut. But I am not complaining. It's better. 

Another thing I can see when I look at this is that I have fewer chins. 

Since we moved here, I went from about 240lbs down to 218. I got stuck at 218, right at the beginning of the pandemic. I had started to walk to the train again, and walking from the metro to my job was good. My fitbit was always happy. I was getting close to 8000-10,000 steps daily, depending on whether or not my coworker and I took a building walk or a block walk. In February, I told myself "you know, you could really break 200 if you keep this up... why don't you keep this up?" 

Things were looking good and the pandemic came to town. 

Unlike my husband who took 4-5 mile walks every day this spring/summer/fall, I sat on my ass and worked. Work. Plus, it was too damn hot outside. 

For me work from home wasn't work from home, it has been living at work. For instance, today I had an early meeting (9) and planned on knocking off at 4 after about 6 hours of meetings during the day. Tired, loopy, luckily with no fever, at 4 I told my team I was going to dip but someone had a problem, and registered their displeasure through a call to our team. 

I had been helping him, I just hadn't gotten back to him yet, so he was being impatient. I couldn't fix his problem, so at 5pm, my manager (who knows more about what this guy's problem was) helped me iron it out. The guy then asked us to train him, to whit I told him no. I have no fucking time to train you on a third-party product. Go to their help center, get some training there. As your peers. I cannot help you. 

I then did other tickets until 9pm. And this is why I feel like work from home for sure is living at work. 

Doug ordered pizza because no one went to the market. Geoff offered to and then "forgot." Doug had a 5pm meeting.  I was face deep in tickets. Still have not done that goals and objectives thing. 

When I came down with the covid, my weight dropped down to about 197. We're back to about 205. I don't want to regain and get up to 218 again - I'd like to maintain this 205 for a while... I can feel where I've lost weight. My hips and pelvis... my underpants are like tents on my butt and the small underpants that I used as backup are now the comfy undies. And I can see it in my face and neck. If nothing else, losing some of that nonsense is the best thing ever. 

So cross your fingers. We need to get ourselves together so we can responsibly shop (I'm not ready for outside, to be honest) and we need to be eating better on the whole. Not pizza. I probably just gained 5 pounds off of that. 

I have a telehealth appointment at 9am so, off to bed. Will see if my tomorrow is wacky, like today. And the day before. 

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