Friday, January 08, 2021

More Smell Stories

 I can smell some things. 

My armpits smelled today, even though I showered, so I used deodorant. Doug was impressed I could smell them. Note - He could smell me, only he didn't complain. He's kind like that. 

Yesterday, I could not believe it was Thursday already. I put in a full 8-hour day but 4 of those hours were like 9pm-1am, like an idiot. I confessed to my team that when I have NO distractions, no slack messages, no one asking me questions or whatever, I can face-first into tickets. So I got 15 handled. And stopped myself from doing one that if I did wrong could have had negative repercussions. I did that one this morning.

I have like 70 new tickets. People are starting to get mad. I'm sorry but I'm not sorry, because I'm not the only person who answers tickets and someone could have taken care of these. I'll get to them but dang People Need To Chill.

My fever spiked last night to about 99.8 (my normal is 97.7 ish) and today it fluctuated from 100.3 to 101.7. I just took it and it is 99.9. Great Suzanne Vega song.

I had a telehealth appointment with my doctor so we went over my temp. She's an adorable Indian woman, and she stated that she was displeased with the direction things were going. Same, lady. 

My Oxygen was 98, so that made her happy, but my resting pulse was 115. She asked what I had been doing before the call. 

Sleeping. I was sleeping. Was I nervous? Anxious? Well, she's not sure so she wants me to monitor and track hourly. If I knew where my Pulse Oximeter was I'd check right now but it is somewhere in this bed. 

I've developed a little cough, as of Wednesday which she didn't like. She wants to put me on a new Antibiotic to see if we can clear it up. It is dry and raspy. One or two coughs, not like a fit. She nodded her head and knew of this cough. So the new antibiotic should help. 

I then took another nap. 

I've been holed up here in the guest room struggling. Tonight, things were smelly. 

At about 2pm I made myself some toast and used mayo and turkey to complete a lovely sandwich. Or so I thought. Gave myself horrible heartburn and .... weirdly, bread and mayo burps. Not fun. So I was all curled up in here just trying to ride out the dumb while the Zantac got to work.

Geoff made toast. And you know from previous posts that toast makes me happy. But oh no. Not.... this toast! I'm not sure what happened. He didn't burn it. It just was not a good smell. I texted him and asked him to open the kitchen window because it smelled bad. He ignored or did not receive my text. Oh man I was suffering! 

Here is photographic Evidence of me liking toast. I actually look kinda cute, and not as fat as I usually do (more on that later. 

Toast is life. 

Doug then made himself... Popcorn. 

I love microwave popcorn. I've eaten a lot of it this week. Hits the spot. But holy moly this just stank. So smelly. So bad. I texted him and asked him to open the front door. He came in and looked at me in disbelief and I begged. Oh please please, open the front door. 

He did, and made a second bag. I cried. 

I have not eaten dinner. I do not plan to. I'm just kind of like please Lord in Heaven get me through tonight. Get me through, Lord Have Mercy, oh please.

Just found the Pulse Oximeter, Oxygen still good, pulse stupid at 115. I don't want her to send me to urgent care or anything. I do not want to go there. Cross your fingers I can figure out how to lower this?

We have to do our Goals and Objectives at work, and they were due today. I plan on using some awake time this weekend to try and do that but not in the actual tool - just in a word doc - and send to my boss for his review. Maybe he can put them in for me? Hopefully. But I thought maybe he coulda done some tickets too, ya know what I mean!?

Today was a 4 hour day, but I plan on making up time to fill in lost gaps so I don't use all my sick time. It's kind of funny, I wanted to donate like 150 hours of sick time this year because I have so much, but our office only takes Vacation time as donation, which is dumb. I was about to make feature/program suggestions and find a way to flap my gums about this so we can donate sick time to sick people. Not about to give up that! 

It is probably good I didn't get to donate, eh? Knocked that down 30 hours before the end of the year and now I think I'm in the 180 hours range. It is kind of nice - I can use one hour or 8. I just have to do the math in the time card. Works out well. 

I know everyone (all 3 of you) reading this know about what happened in Washington DC over the past couple of days. I don't have much to say about it. I'm just completely stunned but not surprised AT ALL about what happened. If that had been a group of black protesters, they'd all be dead. And we know it. The coverage was horrifying. And the lies coming from these people after the fact, like, dude you are ON VIDEO doing the thing, makes me shake my head. Fuckers.

It is weird to live here. Aaron called me when it all started to unfold to ask if we were in a safe place. As the crow flies, we are about 10 miles north. Nowhere near the nonsense. But just knowing .... it was right there. Right the fuck there. I could get on the metro like I used to in order to go take a walk around the mall and look at this shit. Not that I would. I wouldn't want to be near them. I'm just stunned.

And all the Civil War history I've learned, the Confederate Battle Flag never breached the threshold of the Capitol. The closest it made it to DC was to Fort Stevens. 

But here we have a dude. Just taking the symbol of another country for a walk through the Capitol. Claiming he's a patriot I am sure. I don't think he knows what that means. 

Read this very good article from The Atlantic.

I'm pretty wiped, so more ice water, take my meds, and off to bed. Hope y'all are having a fine night.  Oh - and one more picture of toast. 

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