Saturday, May 30, 2020

A China Cat Sunflower kind of day

It is a gorgeous day out.

Absolutely flat out delightful. I went out onto the porch to enjoy coffee and my favorite online game that is an absolute time suck, Best Fiends.

About 4 minutes into my peaceful reverie the neighbor across the street catty corner to us started cutting up his driveway with a cement saw.

A couple weeks ago they moved two giant bushes to the other side of the yard, it was delightful to sit on the porch and watch 6 men and a Ford Bronco with a rope tied to it try to pull these things across the yard to their new homes. Miraculously, they got the bushes moved, but they aren't leafy so I think they killed them even with all their effort.

I wondered what they were up to, and now I believe know. I think he is going to try and self-build additional parking on his front yard. There are a lot of people living in this house, and usually 4 cars crammed into the 2 car driveway, with other cars parked on the street in front and beside the house.

I personally would have hired contractors to do this, and also I have no idea if this guy called Dig-Safe or the county to make sure this is safe. But whatever, it's his property. As long as he doesn't strike hidden gas lines (I do not think he's digging deep enough so ... hopefully that's not going to be an issue) or electrocutes himself with some age old live wires from a former front lawn light post, then he can have at it.

It has been fuck all hot and humid here for a couple days, so sitting out on the porch was sort of miserable since about Tuesday. Today we finally get a break, find ourselves in the upper 70s with like no humidity at all, and this happens.

Thanks dude.

Back porch office chill space was no better because there was no escape from the grinding. I retreated back into the house where Doug's Pandora station is streaming away, many songs I love but at this point am sick of hearing over and over. I never need to hear "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones ever ever again.

But I'll always take a little Grateful Dead ditty like China Cat Sunflower or Scarlet Begonias. Dylan, The Band, The Byrds, Stevie Ray, Dwight Yoakam... 

Ooooh wee, Ride me high. Tomorrow's the day my bride's gonna come... 

Speaking of which, June 1 is Monday. It is our 29th anniversary.

As I think I mentioned, we had planned a nice trip to West Virginia.  Doug is still thinking that it may be possible but we'll only take a day trip tomorrow and go as far as Elkins, stopping at maybe Seneca Rocks, see if there are places to eat even if we have to eat in the car, and come home.

On Monday, I'm trying to convince him that we should just go up to Baltimore for early dinner/late lunch at Jimmy's Famous Seafood, they have a deck and outdoor eating starting today, and as the weather is supposed to hold all the way through so sitting out and enjoying a great meal will be as nice a gift as we can give ourselves.

As long as no one starts running a concrete saw.

Doug and I talked about how number 30 will have to be what we put our planning and intention into, and just take 29 as an easy day.

We will see how that goes.

Also, I remembered I had this light up sign that we got back in November (Linda and I were drunk shopping for a house concert at a friend's house, and I couldn't resist it). I keep it out in the back porch and every day I'm trying to think of fun things to tell myself. 

Initially it said "I (heart) Fun Party Porch" and then I changed it a la Fawlty Towers' sign... also before Doug could see it and change it.

I guess I think I'm funnier than I really am. At least I entertain myself.

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