Friday, May 01, 2020

It's gonna be May... well, it is

Brodie dog is experiencing much discomfort as of late and I feel for her. Watching her trying to get comfortable, or lie down, or just try and stand while eating is giving me sympathy pain.

She's a poor bean.

Doug and I talk to her all the time, so we've been referring to her as our co-worker. We invite her to meetings, and if we're taking a call in the bedroom, and need to close the door, she gets frustrated and paces, so the person not on the call ends up opening the bedroom door to let her in.

And then, once she is in, she wants out.

She is an annoying coworker.

If nothing else, during this pandemic I'm glad to have so much time with her that otherwise I would miss out on.

I do not love taking her out at 2 in the morning but, I'll do it gladly as long as she is willing to be mine. And she sure is lazy all day while Doug and I are both working so hard. But at the end of the day when it is naptime... she sure is happy to join in.

Things here carry on. We're starting a new month, and right now we're all operating fine. Both of us are still employed, but both hearing our companies talking about reduction in work hours and pay to get through the situation. No one has had the "f" word - furlough - thrown at them yet but I will not be surprised to hear it. Nor the "l" word of layoff.

I have friends who have been laid off or furloughed, I had to look up the difference between the terms. In fact I have a set of friends who both work for the same company. She got furloughed, he got laid off. His position in and of itself will not exist after things start coming back. She's in management, so initially she took a pay cut starting at the beginning of April, and now she's furloughed and her job is waiting for her when they call her back. She said she is still working, because there is no one to do what she was doing, and things can't just stop - people need supervising, she has staff who literally are lost without her calling for advice or guidance.

He's mad, because he loved his job and the fact that it will not exist any longer really bums him out.

He's also mad because unemployment rules still require him to look for/interview/find another job. Rather than suspend that part of things because, oh, there are no jobs right now, he still has to spend a good chunk of time trying to find work and proving that he's trying to find work. So it is just irritating him. Can't say as I blame him.

I just put in for 3 vacation days, because I'm way over the allotted "you can keep X but you lose whatever is over X at the end of the year" amount. I have 22 days worth of vacation, and at this point on the calendar, I would be safely under the threshold of the amount of hours you can roll over into the next year.

Being unsure if I'll ever get to take a vacation and travel anywhere this year, I don't want to lose the time I have earned. I also am not sure if I get laid off that I'd be able to collect the total amount or lose so much of it.

I'll be taking two Thursdays and my wedding anniversary off, feeling kind of bummed on that last one because I was scheduled to take 7 whole  days off to go away with Doug to West Virginia  and then  up to Pennsylvania for his Aunt's memorial service. I don't even know if that is getting rescheduled to a later date.

I'm kind of running out of steam with little projects. I still have a checklist, but I find I don't really care right now. I'll need to re-up my purpose over the weekend. I basically unloaded one box of books a day all week long, and then stopped because meh.

Not much else to say. I think my coworker wants to go outside.

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