Saturday, May 09, 2020

What we are doing on a Saturday

Geoff has a final next week. His last homework assignment is due on Monday, and then anytime after that before Friday at midnight next week, he can take the final at his own leisure.

The college he attends has been doing good distance learning, although they have not had any labs. Considering we're paying for a lab fee, I don't know what exactly they are giving the students for lab time. Geoff said they've got it under control.

He applied for and was accepted to the certificate program he really wanted, so his Orientation for that is on May 15th, online, all day.

I am not sure what they'll be doing all day, I can see in person it taking all day because you get a tour of campus, and you get lunch. But he said, again, they've got it all under control.

He sits at the dining table to do his school work, and comes in fits and spurts with the things that don't require a computer. He keeps his laptop downstairs, so he will do the online work in his room. This morning, he came up, studied for a while, did some work, left. Came back, made more coffee, left. Came back, got coffee, studied for 40 minutes, left. Came back, studied, now he's making lunch.

It is sometimes distracting for me that he does this, and doesn't just sit for like 90 minutes or something, but his learning disability has always had him working in shorter stretches over longer periods of time. He knows what works, and, like he says of the college, he has this under control.

Doug is sitting across the living room from me, he's on his computer looking up jarrariums which is something I've never heard of but I think he's looking to have a Little Project of his own to do.

He spends a lot of time on Reddit, so I think that's where he got the bright idea. He will dive in whole hog, and we'll see how successful he is with it. He even has a jar he has chosen - a large pickle jar that still has pickles in it. I guess we'll be eating pickles for a couple of days or he will move them into a ziplock container to hasten this along.

I wish he'd get a new aquarium. We had a fantastic 55 gallon tank back in Massachusetts that he did not want to move down here. We'd kept it going for years, through two other moves. Great fish, we even had fish have babies which were so cute.

They'd come and swim to the edge of the tank, all of them, when I would come in the kitchen in the morning, and I'd sit and talk to them after feeding them. On a beautiful morning, when the light was streaming through the back porch, sitting with a cup of coffee by the woodstove and chatting with whatever these things were.... this is a good memory.

He just stood up and declared he is not going to make a jarrarium after all. "It's stupid. I can go look at moss in a creek or whatever. I suppose if I lived in a 60 floor apartment building in Hong Kong this would be a good thing to do but.... meh."

Okay, that phase is over before it got started.

This morning I heard my laptop making all kinds of email notification dings, so I picked it up to see I was being notified that my manager was editing a document I started last week. We need to pull together documentation, fully, of everything for the new Content Management System. I started an outline and asked for contributions from those who are swimming in the product more deeply and regularly than I am for their how-to guides, and, if they didn't have any, to start writing them.

He was going through and redoing my content with suggestions - not editing/erasing anything but just putting comments. He should have just redone the document because now it is mostly his, not mine. But it is good work and we'll dive in next week and get the full download on the how-to and then I'll run it by a colleague to test everything we have written.

Since I can't do laundry I guess I have to make a trip to the 'mat today at some point. Geoff needs things washed, he's held off this week, and my sheets that were in the washer when we had the flood managed to get drained and rinsed but they smell bad. I will probably go later on. I'll see if Doug or Geoff want to go with me. I don't want to go alone. The world is too weird out there. And I don't want to be out and about solo.

We may have to sit in the car while things do their washing, it's way too cold to take a walk around town.  Maybe we'll drive around and catch Pokemon or something.

I bought Sir Michael Palin's book "Erebus," because I own most of what he's written and I do love how delightful he is. I'm thinking of going and taking a big nap, and seeing how many pages into the story I get.

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