Monday, January 27, 2025

Deliciousness of Cookies

Today, I was bored with food and did not want anything. But there are these two giant bags of christmas cookies on my dining room table. so. I ate about 6 of them. Big and small, all shapes. Delicious. 

I thought for sure my blood sugar would be well over 400, but it was nice and reasonable. 

After dinner I was going to go to the gym and try out my new playlist, but, Doug put on a really interesting documentary about two British journalists who's families are from India and Pakistan, about the Partition, and how their families have dealt with this. They both go visit where their families are from, and it is really well done. 

And then it was 10pm. 

Giving myself kind of a break today, I guess. 

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, and so does Dahlia. I took part of the day off to take care of both. Responsible human that I am. 

Here are two dogs enjoying the love seat where I usually sit and work. And getting along wonderfully. Digits, below!


exercise: 12/12 hours.  No exercise recorded. 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 166
4:30pm: 169
10:30pm: 156


noon: several christmas cookies (so many); metformin; english muffin w/tuna salad
3pm: protein shake
6:30pm: chicken cordon bleu, green beans
7pm: metformin+jardiance

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