Thursday, January 30, 2025


My doctor added two medications to my current meds list. While I'm not excited about taking MORE medication, I think I'm hopeful to add these. 

Phentermine is a weight loss drug. It's been on the market for longer than I've been alive. I asked her if it was related to Fen-Phen and she said not really - that was a combination drug and Phentermine was part of it. But F-P was discontinued. Phentermine has been around since 1960 or so, and there are two other drugs that we can try if we don't see progress with this. 

She asked for the digits that I keep here - she wants to review. I'm glad I keep the blog, I guess. Even though I get 200 hits a day and zero comments from you people, which makes me think AI is scraping the content to "learn" stuff. Whatever. 

Anyway. If you are reading go ahead and leave a comment. As Aaron Mahnke says "say hi. I like it when people say hi." 

I started it yesterday. She said I should see about 10 pounds of weight loss. Which may make me feel better, knowing there is progress. More progress.

There has been progress. And this isn't a weight loss blog per se (it's a Dog Puke Blog, a Guster Blog, to be honest). But exercising, losing some weight so exercising feels better, makes for more weight loss. And lowers the A1C. 

That is the goal. Getting the digit below 7, my friends. Right?

She also added glipizide, because I asked if the Metformin and Jardiance just weren't hacking it for me anymore. I asked her if I should only take the glipizide and she said no - add it into the routine. So I have to take it a half hour before eating. I've shifted my "schedule" so I'm taking the combo of Metformin+glipizide before lunch and a half hour before dinner. And moving Jardiance to the evening. 

That's the new plan. 

Today was an incredibly busy day. Being in the DC area it was also sad because of last night's plane crash at DCA. I don't have much to say about that but it sucks. And our current government is pointing at possible causes that have nothing to do with what happened, and it is just outrageous. That's. That's about it. 

Good news is Miss Toffee is on the mend. What we think happened is she ate some leaves in the yard, probably azaleas, and these are toxic to dogs. She checked every box on the symptoms list. I woke up this morning after sleeping with her, she didn't get sick all night. Relief. She drank a lot of water but I took the bowl up so she wouldn't over drink. She turned her nose up at breakfast but by noon she was stalking the bowl and the kitchen, so I fed her half a cup of kibbies. 

She had a slice of cheese when I gave Dahlia her meds, she enjoyed cookies after going out to the yard, and she ate dinner. They played together, and it feels like everything is right as rain.


No picture today, digits below, glucose is .... notable! 


exercise: 12/12 hours. Indoor walk, 15 min/.7 miles. took it easy today, 7500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 160
5pm: 124
11pm: 102 (!!)


8:30am: phentermine 
10:45am: metformin+glipizide
12:30: turkey and havarti w/mayo on 647 wheat bread
5:45pm: metformin+glipizide
6:15pm: 6 homemade meatballs w/ sauce, shredded mozzarella 
7:45pm: jardiance


  1. Hi. I lurk and then talk to you about things later!!

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    They make it very difficult to leave a comment 112!!! WOOT

  3. what do they do to make it difficult to leave a comment. also, this worked. now where are the other 600 site visitors i had the other day.

    Bots. I swear it is Bots.
