Friday (I went to bed without finishing the entry)
My colleague and I were talking about our fitbits. He said "I hate when it buzzes to remind me to do my steps," and I said, honey. That's to remind you to do your steps.
I try to do my 250 per hour at the beginning of the hour so I won't forget and it won't buzz at me. Sometimes that's not possible though. I schedule meetings 5 min. past the top of the hour and get up and move. But if someone calls a meeting and they don't do the 5 min. delay, then I'm racing to get the steps in. Luckily, sometimes I can just turn my camera and mic off, and do steps during the meeting.
I noticed that you can look at metrics not just for the day and week, but month by month and year to year so this is the readout of my stats.
2024: 7080 daily steps per day average. 2,591,372 steps total
2023: 5972 daily steps per day average. 2,179,854 steps total
2022: 2488 daily steps per day average. 908, 161 steps total *
2021: 2645 daily steps per day average. 965,338 steps total
2020: 2771 daily steps per day average. 1,014,011 steps total (thanks, pandemic)
2019: 5390 daily steps per day average. 1,967,352 steps total
2018: 4636 daily steps per day average. 1,692,262 steps total
2017: 3295 daily steps per day average. 1,202,556 steps total
2016: 3781 daily steps per day average. 1,383,990 steps total
*I was without a fitbit for 4 months in 2022. Jan-April. Not recalling why but I think the Fitbit 3 that I had died and I wasn't sure what to buy.
So I've made improvements, and 2025 maybe I'll break 3 million steps in 2025!
Dog update: Friday they were pretty mellow. Some tug-o-war and lots of outside play. My former manager came over for lunch and we had a great visit. They were unhinged and excited so I had to put Toffee in her kennel just so JW could breathe and not have 2 giant dogs in her face. We don't have a kennel for Dahlia, so she was free range, and after a couple minutes just settled down and cuddled next to JW while we drank tea.
Last night for dinner, I roasted a chicken and I wanted mashed potatoes and stuffing, so we got mashed potatoes and stuffing. Because I wanted.
When we went to bed, I actually tried to sleep in the bed with the fam (the fam = doug+dogs) Both dogs decided they needed to be on my side of the bed, Toffee in my ass crack and Dahlia's chin firmly on my lower legs, and her head weighs 9 tons. At one point I wanted to roll over onto my left side, Doug was snoring, I couldn't budge either dog, so .... I went to the guest room.
I left the door open, and in about 20 seconds Toffee followed me. 20 seconds after that, Dahlia. Then Dahlia left. Then Toffee left. It was musical chairs for a lot of the night with them leaving and coming back.
Doug woke up at 6:30am, and fed them a full 90 minutes before they usually eat. That woke me up and I went to the bathroom, and then they were madhouse playing so I closed the bedroom door and went back to sleep. Eventually they settled down, and I did too. I got up at 8:45, thankful for that extra bit of sleep since the revolving door of dogs was a bit much last night.
Geoff went to Target, and Doug had him buy the dogs these beef shank bones that are stuffed with some ... something. Toffee loves hers - and of course, no dog on earth can get all the stuffing out so this has kept her busy for a year.
I gave them each their bones, and Toffee's thing is she'll take something to her kennel if she does not want Dahlia to have it. And Dahlia is smart enough to not go into the kennel with her.
Dahlia stayed on the couch next to me, Toffee in her kennel, and for 2 solid hours it was chomp, scrape, chomp chomp.
Then, it maybe got boring. Toffee came out and took Dahlia's bone to her kennel, I took one out and gave it to Dahlia, and this went on and on and on. They both finally went into the guest room where Doug went to "read" (aka - take a nap).
When the pack woke up, I was going to go to the gym but Doug suggested we try and walk them together. It was cold but not windy, so we tried. I walked Toffee and he walked Dahlia. Both of them were a bit hype, and Toffee is really too strong for me to walk sometimes, especially on semi-icy surfaces. We tried to walk them side by side but they were zig zagging all over the sidewalk. We called it quits and were back in 15 minutes. I did not go to the gym, that was a workout on its own.
Steelers lost to the Ravens and that was lame. Oh well. Anyway. Digits are below.
Friday digits
exercise: 12/12 hours. No walk. 6200+ steps by bedtime (took it easier than I have been, no 11pm 10 minute walk forced).
blood glucose:
7am: 160
5pm: 134
11pm: 186
11:30: metformin; quesadilla on keto fajita wrap w/ cheese & bacon
1pm: a couple christmas cookies with tea
7pm: metformin, roast chicken w/mashed & stuffing, gravy
red wine & diet ginger ale
Saturday digits
exercise: 12/12 hours. 15 min / .47 mile walk. 6400+ steps by bedtime
blood glucose:
9am: 192
4:30pm: 185
11pm: 181
11:30am: peanut butter & jelly on 647 bread; metformin
noon-ish: 2 large christmas cookies
6pm: bowl of linguine w/meat sauce; 2 beers
7pm: Metformin+jardiance
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