We have been in the midst of about 24 hours of hella super bad winds. Some gusts over 60mph. People all around the area have been reporting trees down and damage. One woman on Nextdoor posted a cute little play tent that she woke up to find in her yard this morning, no idea what neighbor it came from.
Doug woke up this morning and our back door had blown open at some point after 3am. How do we know it was after 3am? I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and out of curiosity decided to check it. Found that it was closed, but I didn't deadbolt it. So between me checking and him getting up, in that 4 hour window, the gusts did their job.
The dogs have been crazy for the last couple days. I let them out at about 1:30pm, thinking I'll answer a couple more emails, and head to the gym sometime after 2. I heard Dahlia barking, which she does all the time, so I got up to let them in.
They were not in the yard. But I could hear her. Where the hell was she?
I went to the backyard and one of our neighbors was latching the back gate, Dahlia was in the yard. She told me that she lives about four doors up the street and saw her prancing around. She didn't recognize her, so she came outside to see if she could get her, and Dahlia ran right back to our yard. So she was taking care of the gate. I was relieved because Dahlia can still get pregnant for probably 2 more weeks, so, keeping her away from making any friends with benefits is very important.
But I noticed Toffee wasn't around. Either.
Awww shit. Not my bean!
So I came in and got Doug, and I walked around the yard calling for her. Shit. What the fart.
Dahlia was running around frantic. I think she's very attached to Toffee at this point and was all WHERE MY GIRL AT! energy.
My neighbor John was walking his dog Maisy, and I asked if he'd seen her. He said no, and gestured up the street that he could walk Maisy another block up just to see if he could find her "and I'll grab her."
Doug went outside with the leash, and he walked the same direction John had.
I looked up the street and there was John, trying to grab Toffee, who was running all around him with absolute joy and energy, while he was trying to hold his own dog's leash, who was freaking out a little bit because this big dog was bouncing all around.
Doug met up with them, got her on the leash, they stood and chatted while Dahlia was apoplectic about TOFFEE IS OUT THERE!!!
She also picked up a giant branch that had fallen out of the big tree in back, and ran around with it. It is a good 10 feet long, so that was entertaining.
Doug said the Toffee was up at our friends' house, the one with the other pittie pup, Meg. She was in Meg's yard, sniffing around and trying to get into the back.
It's the one other place in the neighborhood she knows, so of course. She went to her best friend's house.
And Doug had gone right on her trail.
Relieved that they didn't run far. Relieved one neighbor lady followed Dahlia down, and Dahlia came right to the yard, and the lady latched the gate. Relieved for John and Maisy, and promise to not be laughing in my head a little bit at the image of him trying to corral her. Relieved that Meg lives four doors up and that's the only place Toffee thought to go. Relieved no one was driving down the side street at top fucking speed the way they do around here.
And of course, the dog escape adventure happened literally 1 minute before I was putting on my yoga pants to take a late lunch and go to the gym. Geoff went to the market this morning, got a bunch of things for chili for dinner tonight (so kind of him) so I actually don't need to go to the grocery store. ha!
He did forget to get low sugar strawberry jelly, but they don't carry that at Lidl anyway so. I'll go without until he can get himself to the store again.
I had zero meetings today. Well, not exactly true. There is a weekly newsletter content meeting that my manager usually attends but he is off today, so I went instead. I always feel useless in this meeting, I contributed one thing and that was about it.
But super thankful to not have any other meetings! I did support tickets and answered a lot of emails, and it got to be 4pm and I decided that would be the time to go to the gym. Had a good 30+ min time on the treadmill and thought about the circuit room but headed back. Geoff had started to make dinner for us, so I was off the hook for that.
That's about it. Digits! Below!
exercise: 12/12 hours. treadmill at the gym, 32 min/1.66 miles; 10k+ steps by bedtime
blood glucose:
9:15am: 112
4:15pm: 133
10:15pm: 113
9:15am: Phentermine
11am: metformin+glipizide
11:45am: low carb wrap w/turkey, bacon, mayo, shredded cheese
5:45pm: metformin+glipizide
6:30pm: chili (beans, beef, fritos, cheese, sour cream)
3 High Noon seltzers