Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Soup Season

Today ended up being an amazingly busy day. We had a code push, some things weren't perfect, I had two calls with clients for the project that I am almost almost almost done with (Lord help me) and one was a re-call from the other day, a call that didn't go well. Not because of the person on the other end, but the technology and the situation. Super frustrating and infuriating. I brought my sysadmin to this call thinking that it would be like taking the car to the mechanic - this time, just because he's here, it'll work fine. 

But it didn't and he's even stumped. Ugh. 

I had a really good check-in with my manager. There is a lot going on, a lot of political stuff that has direct implications on our business. It's a little scary. But we fit in some Guster chat, and talked about our moms. Being able to have that kind of a gentle connection with your manager is very nice.

Geoff had a recipe picked out for dinner tonight. A chicken chowder. But he forgot the half and half he needed. I promised I'd go grab some while he was at work, thinking at 3 I'd be free and clear. But no. Around 4:30 I finally had a break in the action. 

I wanted a trip to the gym and the market is next door. So. Off I went. Did only about 25 minutes on the treadmill and then didn't turn off the exercise feature on my fitbit, and walked to the market and did my shopping. This gets me some extra measured time, and it was a lot of walking around the market because where did they hide the olives?

I also got a nice loaf of crusty french bread. They were just putting them in the bakery display window when I walked by so, who could resisit! When I got home he had things mostly made and just needed what I brought. 

He did a great job, but I need to teach him how to make a better roux. It was kind of lumpy, not creamy. Learning and evolving, that's the way you do it in our kitchen. 

I did some more work after dinner, talked to Linda for an hour or so. No picture today. I'm so boring. 

Alright! More tomorrow. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  Treadmill and grocery store, 39 minutes/1.53 miles. 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:15am: 132
4pm: 112
10:30pm: 97


8:30am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
11:30am: english muffin w/turkey and 2 slices of muenster cheese
6pm: half a bag of kettle corn (should not go to the market when i am hungry)
6:30pm: metformin+glipizide
7pm: bowl of chicken chowder soup w/corn and bacon (a la chef geoff)
8:30: jardiance

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