Tuesday, February 04, 2025


It's always something, innit? I may say our lives are boring, but there is always a thing happening that we're dealing with. Here's the latest.

I let the dogs out last night before bed and noticed blood spots on the floor around Doug's end of the couch and in front of the door. I asked him if he was cut and bleeding. No he was not. I cleaned it up and when the dogs came in went over both of them carefully to see if playtime had resulted in punctures. No. No wounds. Nothing. Bedtime. Let's go. But first. Spray bottle in hand, I cleaned up everything I could see, and we went to bed. 

Doug woke up this morning right before me, and when I came out of the bedroom he let me know what the source of the blood drops was. Dahlia.

"She's in heat."

Of course she is. Fantastic. 

How'd he know? The bed. She slept on his side of the bed last night, and when he got up he saw that there was blood all over his sheets and blankets. So yeah. She's in heat. 

When we took her in two weeks ago for her ear infection, we had no knowledge of her medical history. Doug's coworker got her brother to fill her in, and she updated us. Dahlia had never been to a vet. Ever. She had never ever been vaccinated (so we got her up to speed with that). And she had not been fixed. She's 3 years old so if she's never been spayed, so she's gone through this in his home probably five other times and he hasn't done anything like a responsible dog owner would do.

Coffee in hands, we both set off to Dr. Google for information on this.  

Learning a lot this morning about the process she is going through, as we've never had a dog who has not been altered. As this is most likely the start of her cycle, it could get messy. Even though we knew she wasn't fixed, I didn't really anticipate she'd go into cycle while with us. But of course. She did. Thanks for that, pup. Appreciate it. 

I walked around the house with a spray bottle and towel, cleaning the blood trail off the hardwood floor and checking the couch cushions (nothing there). Thankfully, even the spots that are dry which probably came from yesterday all come up very easily. Not what I wanted to do at 7:45am but. Needed done. 

Doug put a comforter on the couch and both dogs are liking that. Comfy cozy, cuddled together. 

We have no plans to pay for a spay for her. But I am feeling a certain way about this. I said previously that I'm not loving the idea that her former owner does not take care of her medical needs. I was happy to get her vaccinated and medications because while she's with us, I need to be the responsible human. 

At lunchtime, Doug went to the Petsmart to pick up doggie menstruation "panties" as he called them. He bought the large ones but probably should have gotten the XL. This looks like a bikini on her, instead of the granny panties I was envisioning. 

She (and Toffee) both got a nice treat bone, and initial (within the hour) frustration with them seemed to not bother her. She did sit at my feet and whimper for about 20 min. Can't say as I blame her. 

I was in a meeting and she went downstairs by Doug to hang out while he was also in a meeting. She slept on the couch nicely so he wasn't thinking about her.

Around 5pm she came upstairs "naked," having escaped from her panties. I fed them both, let her outside to do her business. Doug went to the market and I redressed her. She is not a fan, and she whimpers slightly but she has kept them on the entire night. I'm proud of her. This must be confusing. 

Our bedding got washed, the blood stains did not come out, but I will try again. I know everything is clean, just not perfect looking. 

She's been asleep all evening. Toffee is very concerned. I tell ya, when Dahlia leaves, Toffee may be very confused. 

Anyway. Pretty good day here over all. A big victory for a client in this project (we've been trying to fix something for months and boom - fixed). Dinner was great. Doug went to the market while I started cooking, and it was very very helpful. I wish you could see my couch right now, where it is all Dog and Doug. This picture will have to suffice. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. Indoor walk, 20 min/1.06 miles; 10k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7:45am: 133
5pm: 139
10:15pm: 95 (checked 3x)


8am: Phentermine 
10:30am: Metformin+glipizide
11am: small bowl of mac & cheese and hamburger
1:15pm: protein shake
5:45pm: vodka diet tonic w/diet cran splash; metformin+glipizide
6:30pm: chicken parm w/sauce, one small piece of rosemary olive oil bread  
8:30pm: jardiance

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