Thursday, October 17, 2024


Toffee has been puking a lot this week, we're calling the vet tomorrow. 

She hasn't had a change in diet except we've scaled her back a half cup per meal per vet's orders. But that shouldn't make someone puke. She is on a new medication for what may be skin allergies, but she took those for a week without incident. 

Wondering if she got into something in the yard. But it's gross. It is really gross when a nearly 70 pound dog horks. 

I'm going into the office again tomorrow because a client asked for me specifically to give them a tour. 

And it is Wellness Week so we get to get massages! Huzzah. Can't wait for mine! 

Doug and Geoff both just yelled at an Old Navy Christmas commercial because it isn't even halloween yet. The fact they both unleashed the boo birds at the same time was hilarious. 

That's my entry. Not much else to say. Wish Toffee luck at feeling better. She's very quiet when she throws up. There's no heaving and gagging. She makes some licking noises with her mouth and goes to the front door. Only she puked in her sleep just now on the couch so. Honestly. Wish her luck (and me, too!)

My poor bean.


exercise: 12/12 hours. No walks today. 5k+ steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

8am: 153
3:30pm: 143 
10:15pm: 188 

11am: pb&j on 647 bread; metformin
3:30pm: apple w/pb
6:45pm: metformin+jardiance; mac & cheese topped with chili (leftovers night!) 
white wine

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