Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wine Smoothie Prescription

While Jess is in town, I figured I'd invite them to the office to see a band they like that does the concert series. Today was one of those bands. I've heard of them, but never really listened to them. My manager is friends with the lead singer. Real life friends. So he came in too.

 I made it to the office by 9:30 and settled in. After a little while it turned out there was a surprise party for one of the office support staff, an "EA" which stands for Executive Assistant. Her name is Lori, and she's been here for 20+ years. Retirement. Retirement! Congratulations Lori!

The last time I was here, she told me she was retiring and I was happy for her. She had the date circled on her calendar. She didn't want a party or anything but the EA staff and the C suite people she supports insisted on surprising her with one. 

I'm so happy I went in today because I would have missed it. A couple other EAs who don't work here any longer were there, and it was a joyous time. 

The concert was outstanding. Just simply wonderful. 

Jess and I left my office at about 2:45 because I had a dentist appointment up by home. I'd rescheduled having some fillings replaced that were on the verge of failing. "I think these were put in," my dentist said, "in the ... 70s?" 

Probably. Most of them. Yes. 

He replaced 2 of 3 on the bottom left. I have to go back for the third. I was starting to feel what he was doing, even though he had given me some major league novocaine to numb the hell out of my mouth. Pretty good decision on his part to stop and wait to do the third there. I have some on the upper left that are silver and probably my first fillings, and on the upper right that were done in High School. He'll replace all of them this year. 

When he was finishing up, he said "you are more numbed up than I think you'll realize, so don't eat dinner until much later tonight, You will bite the hell out of your lower lip and not realize it," (it was 5pm at the time). "You can have .... a smoothie. You can have a glass of wine. Hey, you can have a wine smoothie. I'll write you a prescription for it."

"Don't worry about that, I know a guy who can make it."

We laughed. Of course we did. Oh, and he was right. I did eat dinner at about 7:30pm, and I did bite the hell out of my lower lip. 

As of 10pm, my face is still numb. I can feel where I bit my lip though. Ouch. 

I didn't get a wine smoothie, but did get wine. 

The other big news thing is walking today basically doubled what I do most days. I walked to the train from the house, to the office from the train. I walked around the office a bunch. I walked from the office to the train, from the train to the dentist. Then from the dentist to my house. In the pre-pandemic days, this would have probably killed me. There are no benches or rest rooms along the way. But I did a great job. Over 5 miles today kids. Doesn't sound like a lot for people who regularly walk a ton and a half, but for me, hell yeah. I actually wish I knew what the most steps I'd done in a day is, since starting with a fitbit back in like 2014. 

Today was a good day. 

Here's a shot of The Magnetic Fields. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 4pm due to dentist chair. A multi-walk kind of day. Tons of walking. 13,700+ steps by bedtime. 

blood glucose:

7:30am: 160
5:15pm: 143 
10:30pm: 130 

11:45am: metformin; ginger glazed pork w/salad and brussels sprouts
7:30pm: bowl of chili w/fritos, cheese, sour cream; metformin+jardiance; ice cream sandwich
white wine not-smoothie

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