Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Today was a big day of getting shit done for Doug! Car appointment and stuff for our life insurance all buttoned up. Boom like that. I have a hard time sometimes when I feel like there's a thing he's supposed to be doing and he doesn't. 

One of the things I wanted him to do was cut and kill this wild ass vine that was taking over the front of our house. I should have taken pictures of it. He said it was too hot (he's not wrong) so I suggested we hire our neighbor's landscapers to come do it. He was mad and said "no, I'm not going to pay someone to do something I'm perfectly capable of doing myself," huff snort. 

Well then, do it? I mean. Okay. Do. It. 

While I was in New England, he did it. It cooled off enough, so he was able to get out there and cut it all down. He said it was an absolute challenge. 

Okay, but we could have ... paid guys

Oh and I got so itchy and ....

Yeah, of course you did. You always do when you do yard work that intense, so I don't know maybe .... next time? I mean... Guys? Pay .... guys?

Anyway. It got done. Thank the Lord. And he did the car thing and the life insurance thing, and yay. Three big things done. 

I'm not mad at him at all because I also have a hard time getting things done. I cannot process stuff and prioritize and do things. I can't get out of my own way. I feel like I'm doing things but when I stop and evaluate, no. Hardly a thing got accomplished. 

Tomorrow Doug is going to the office. Geoff will be at work. I'll have the house to myself. Yay! 

No picture. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  no exercise. 4200+  steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 198
5pm: 188  
10:45pm: 185  

11:45: roast beef & schmear of chive & onion cream cheese on toasted 647 multigrain bread; metformin
3pm: apple w/pb
6pm: 2 frozen burritos, w/avocado spread, cheddar cheese
8pm: some fritos and queso sauce
red wine+diet ginger ale

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