So, Dahlia has been pooping in the house at night. Not every night? But. Huh. What's up with that?
We let them out last night at 11pm, they came back in, all set and ready for bed. Lots of cuddling and contentment. I went to the guest room at like 4. And she came in sometime between 5 and 5:30.
She jumped on the bed, off the bed, went back to Doug, came back to me.
She was trying to tell me something, obviously, but I was in super sleepy mode. I tried to get her to just settle down, cuddle up with me, and go back to sleep.
She left. I should have followed.
I fell back asleep. I heard Doug's alarm go off at 6, he had to go to the office today so he got up early. I heard him feed the dogs and let them out. I didn't hear him shower, or leave. The joys of the guest room.
I woke up at 8, after hearing Geoff come upstairs to the kitchen. Then, I let the dogs out again, and went to get my coffee.
Someone (probably Toffee?) had thrown up on the couch. She eats a lot of wood and bird seed and well, there are repercussions to that. I'm used to it. I cleaned it up, and got out the fabric/upholstery shampooer machine dealie so I could run it. After Coffee.
And then I thought Jeeez Doug should have seen this, or texted me about it. I understand if he was leaving for work but ... tell me?
Heading back for my next cuppa coffee, I turned the corner, and on the doggie bed by Toffee's kennel was a distinctly Dahlia sized pile of poo. Thanks.
Also ice cold, so if Doug saw this, he left it. Easy pick up, just ... do it? I'll be sure to ask him what's up with that but. I cleaned it up. And then the upholstery cleaner and I got to work.
I'm not sure why she'd be doing this. She goes out late enough, and she has been super good at not pooping in the house. Not sure what gives.
I thought about letting her out at 5-ish when she was fussing around, but I would have wanted to go out with her so she didn't just indiscriminately bark at shit all over the place. She's so barky. And at 5am, my neighbors do not deserve this. And I didn't want to put on yoga pants.
There are days I want to keep her and other days I'm pretty sure she needs to live somewhere else.
It is pouring out today and I let them out to do their thing. Toffee normally never goes outside if even the sidewalk is damp. But Dahlia does not care. And Toffee follows. You can tell she has immediate regret. They went out, came back in, and Dahlia's feet are GIANORMOUS mud mittens. There are footprints all over the kitchen.
Good thing I didn't mop, and, well, now I have to.
Anyway. We had a great day, just us girls. Got a lot of work done, and they were both so overjoyed when Doug came home. Dahlia has never had a Dougless day here at the house! The joy was palpable!
Here they are hogging up where I sit to work. Jerks. Adorable Jerks. Digits below.
exercise: 12/12 hours. 2 Indoor walks. 33 min/1.87 miles. Had to get a shower and get ready for a meeting so I ended the walk. then I was pushing some steps in so i can hit 10k and did 12 min/.53 mile. 10k+ steps by bedtime
blood glucose:
8am: 167
4:30pm: 124
10:30pm: 101
8am: phentermine
10am: metformin+glipizide
12:30pm: BLT salad
2:30pm: protein shake
4:30pm: container of chicken salad
6pm: metformin+glipizide
8pm: 2 slices of multi super grain bread w/pb (was not hungry for what I made the boys for dinner)
9pm: jardiance
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