Monday, March 10, 2025

When your car clock turns right again

Daylight Saving always messes with all our heads. I think previously I'd posted that "dogs, kids, and software do not like daylight saving." 

First thing I do in the morning every day is pick up my phone, check the time. An hour until my alarm goes off? yeah, try and go back to sleep. Yesterday the dogs woke me up, I saw it was 7:45am and I'd just get up because they were needy. 

I realized my ringer and notifications were off. Which is okay - I have not been on call for work since we reorganized our team. But I had a missed call, from my mom, at 5:30am. 

5:30am. Jesus. What's she calling me for at 5:30am? 

No voicemail was left so I called her back. it was a little before 8am. She answered immediately and I asked if she was okay, what's up. She laughed. 

"I was trying to change the time on my phone, and accidentally called you. I hung up immediately because I didn't want it ringing and waking you up, and making you worry at 5 in the morning."

"Better than 4 in the morning," I answered and she laughed. She wakes up most mornings at 4 am, and she had changed her other clocks that needed changed before she went to bed but couldn't figure out the phone. So. At 4am, there she is, trying to figure out her phone. 

"I read the instructions and there's all this shit about bluetooth and I don't know what that is, and I was pressing things and called you accidentally."

At 4 in the morning, you wake up and choose violence. And by violence I mean messing with your phone settings without knowing what you're doing. 

I told her she should just leave it and it'll be right in November when we change back. "You don't use your phone to tell time, you've got so many other devices to look at, just leave it. It'll be right in a couple months."

Of course that's not something she can live with, so she'll obsess until she either figures it out or until someone comes over to help her. One of the people who helps her the most is going to Florida on vacation, so she may just have to sit and stew for like 10 days. 

It's funny because a couple days ago I was looking at the clock in our mini cooper and it was an hour ahead of the actual real time, and I knew it was, so I was unbothered. Look at me, living and surviving with a clock that is off by an hour.

And now, today, it's right again. Hallelujah. 

So we had a nice early morning catch up session. I heard all about who is sick, someone had a car accident by hitting a deer but she will soon be traveling, someone mysteriously brought up her trash barrel. 

"So how about those fires on Long Island?"
"That's something about those kids in Texas (ie: Measles)."
She keeps up with the current events and has opinions. 

She also wants us to get rid of Daylight Saving... I gotta say I'm with her for the most part. 

Doug went up to the garage yesterday morning to get all our stuff out of the car that died. He arranged to have it picked up, we had to wait to get a copy of the title from the registry and it finally came this past week. While he was up there, I asked Geoff if he wanted to walk a dog and I'd walk the other. He said he wasn't in the mood. okay. 

Did an indoor walk because I wasn't sure what our afternoon was going to be like. I finished right as Doug got home. 

Because Daylight Saving makes a mess of my brain, I tried to take a nap at 2pm. That did not work. I have not been able to fall asleep during the day lately. Doug took a nap with the dogs, and when he woke up he suggested we walk them and try to do it together. The last couple of times didn't go well. Whoever is in the back (dogs wise) is always upset. I tried to allow Toffee some extra leash so she could get up next to Dahlia but she only almost tripped Doug and their leashes got tangled. So we abandoned that plan. 

Doug wanted to go further but my right shoulder hurt from her pulling on the leash and me trying to keep her at heel. I was ready to turn home. I will say, compared to a couple trips ago, they did better. Add to the fact that it was super nice out, it was a good walk. Not quite a mile and a half. Another block and we would have had close to 2. I need to sometimes convince myself that I can actually do more. 

When we got back, we sat out in the yard and had a beer. We talked about the yard and gardening.

Today Doug went to trade in the dead Dodge, and then he went up to the registry of motor vehicles to drop off the license plates. I did a walk when he went up to get the car towed and another one when he went to the registry. I was going to walk a dog but leaving one alone means she'll lose her mind. And Geoff didn't want to take one. Tomorrow. I promise.

We walked around the yard a lot today, me and the dogs. Dahlia is a little better behaved when she has adult supervision. 

Doug finished our taxes and submitted them. Done and dusted. 

A big busy Monday in these parts, I guess. 

I took pictures but they are on my phone, forgot to transfer them. I'll save them for tomorrow! 

Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  30 min/1.48 miles and then 20 min/.5 miles. 11k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 151
5pm: 150
10pm: 89


8am: phentermine
10am: met+glip
12:30pm: 2 low carb small wraps done quesadilla style w/shredded cheddar, bacon, turkey, mayo
5:30pm: met+glip
6:30pm: chese burger without a bun
8:45pm: jardiance
10pm: 2 stalks of celery w/pb

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