The other day I was driving to the gym in a T-shirt and yoga pants and roasting my butt off. Windows down, cranking Genesis "Land of Confusion" because it is so apt as of late.
I drove by people who were wearing winter parkas, snow hats, gloves.
It was 75 degrees.
That's Maryland for ya. I'm sweating balls. People are bundled up. There's a light breeze. They may die.
It was 75 degrees, then 60, then yesterday it was super weird, we were supposed to get storms and they didn't materialize (a little thunder at midnight but, nothing really). 70 degrees. And today, 50 and windy.
I did a little indoor walk when Doug took the car to the garage. 20 minutes was perfect, and I was on time for work! It was like a commute. Then Doug took Dahlia for a walk, and I tried to take Toffee but it was so windy and much colder than I thought, so we didn't go far. It was just enough for her too.
Because we didn't get a good solid complete walk, I found myself with 1300 steps to do before bed. Took little miss house arrest around the building 5 or 6 times, brought her in and then went up and down the street once. Wore my winter coat. Because it was appropriate. And I reached my goal. Yay!
This afternoon I had to loop a couple team members in on a message to a client who has not replied to any of my emails since February. They have to do what I need them to do, or we're shutting off their website when we turn the server off.
It's one of those things where I feel like sure, turn off the server? Let's just do it and see if they reply? But I figured I'd reach out to my boss and their account manager to get some extra power behind my shoulders.
Sometimes, you gotta.
Anyway. That's what I've got. Still need to pick our Saturday gathering before the Guster show. Got derailed this weekend.
Digits below!
exercise: 12/12 hours. indoor walk. 20 min/.86 miles. outdoor walk but only 10 min due to the wind. .47 miles; 10k+ by bedtime
blood glucose:
8:30am: 137
4:30pm: 122
11pm: 106
8:30am: phentermine
10:30am: met+glip
12:15pm: chicken salad and romaine on a low carb whole wheat wrap
5pm: met+glip
6pm: quiche & small roll
6:30pm: goat cheese+cherry preserves mixed on 1/2 a roll (yum)
7:30pm: ramekin of mixed nuts; white wine
9:30pm: jardiance
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