I scheduled a client meeting yesterday for 9am today, and immediately regretted it. I'm not good first hour (sometimes 2) of the day. But I'm having a difficult time getting this person to respond so he said he was free and I grabbed him.
He didn't join the zoom meeting. I gave my cel number to him, and he called me an hour after the meeting start time and realized he'd missed.
"Were you able to log in and make the changes?" he asked.
"No, I am blocked from that platform for trying too many times so that's why I needed you to come to the meeting, and you do it, and I guide you." Previously he'd just given me his username and password to access this platform, something I would not do normally. But there is a verification process, and he gets the texts. And he isn't quick to reply when he gets the code... and the time expires.
So we rescheduled, started a new meeting for 10am. He shared his screen, I walked him through the changes/updates. It was slow and painful. I hate watching other people copy paste, or try to scroll, and the platform we were working with infuriates me because it throws up 2 factor authentication every single time you try and make a change/adjustment.
I know things are trying to protect us from teh haxorz and everything but crap on a cracker is it annoying. We haven't changed who we are since the last time we verified identity a few minutes ago. It's the same login session. Everything is the same. Oops we missed a field go back add it, oh my GOD another text. They have absolutely buried where they hide how to turn it off (jerks) and it was exhausting.
But we got it done. Done!
I had another one scheduled for 2pm and that went perfectly, quick as lightning. Done. Three clients left need to be helped out with this, one of them finally replied to my requests to meet up so we may do that on Friday. The other two are being silent. Driving me nuts.
I was going to walk a dog but Doug went and took a nap. I was working and Geoff reminded me that he had class at 7pm so it was dinner cooking time. Shit. Okay. I whipped up the chicken and veggies and headed out to grill. Talked to my friend S who had to lay off a guy off at work, and she was sad. He's 24, and this is like his first real job. He was doing so well but they are under all this pressure because of the new administration. And she has to say goodbye to three of her 7 team members.
She was super sad, and we had a good talk. But I felt deeply for her. We were going to go out so she could cry in her hard seltzer, but she forgot she had a board meeting for another project and needed to call into it. So we rain checked.
Contemplated a walk after dinner, but had beer instead.
Here are some pictures. Some from around the yard, and some of some sleeping doggos.
exercise: 12/12 hours. No dedicated walk today. too busy. 7k+ steps by bedtime
blood glucose:
9am: 134
4:30pm: 113
11pm: 139
9am: phentermine
11am: met+glip
12:30pm: giant bowl of BLT salad w/goat cheese
3:30pm: slice of multigrain bread toasted w/pb
7pm: 1 chicken fajita w/whole grain low carb fajita, cheese, sour cream, peppers, onion
8:30pm: met+glip (forgot to take before dinner)
a few beers while grilling & eating
10pm: 2 celery stalks w/pb jardiance
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