Saturday, March 15, 2025

No Gym, No Problem

I thought Doug may be going down for a nap around 3pm when Geoff left for the market. But he told me he wanted to take Dahlia for a walk and invited me. I kind of wasn't in the mood, but I realized how sad Toffee would be without getting a walk herself... so I went. And, to be honest, why go to the gym and walk if I can be with my family, right?

Doug usually goes much further than I want. He turns a left when I want to go straight, work back around, and head home. Today he didn't do that, but I was prepared for him to. I felt pretty good about our trip, and Toffee was being pretty good on the leash. We tightened her harness across her chest, and that seemed to help a lot for her pulling. 

He did end up taking a nap after we got home, I made dinner. I was going to make a sausage and goat cheese quiche but when I cooked the sausage it was behaving weirdly and tasted a little gross even though it wasn't smelly... I thought better of it, and made french bread pizza. I used some of the leftover peppers and onions from the fajitas, and boy did that just taste great on the pizza. 

The dogs are out cold. We need to do this more often with them. Toffee doesn't really need it as much but Dahlia does. Happy to see her having such a good time today. 

Both dogs crashed all evening. Dahlia is on "house arrest," meaning she has to go out of the house on a leash, with a human, end of story. I took the dogs out before bed tonight, and she just stood there. Confused. I walked around the house a few times and she came with, but she didn't do her usual business. 

I let her off the leash and she found a piece of charcoal and ate it.

Why, Dahlia.... why. 
Anyway, we'll be keeping the bedroom door closed tonight, so if she gets up, she can't just go to the corner behind the dog bed and poop. She's done that twice. 

We have to monitor this little girl like a hawk, I guess. 

Anyway, everyone is in bed. Waiting for me. Toffee just came out of the bedroom and looked at me like ... "Lady, what's up!" 

No photo today. too busy walking! Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  Big dog walkies. 32 min/1.59 miles, then a rest and I turned off my fitbit tracking of the exercise while we rested. Walk home was 8 min/.42 so just a hair over 2 miles. And I didn't complain one bit. 11k+steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

8am: 135
5pm: 103
11pm: 99


9am: phentermine
10:30am: met+glip
11:30am: english muffin w/pb and cherry preserves
5pm: 6 girl scout cookies
5:30pm: met+jardiance (on accident)
6pm: white wine
6:30pm: one piece of french bread pizza (left over peppers + onions from fajitas, turkey pepperoni, fresh mushrooms, mozz, sauce) 
another glass of white wine
9pm: glip

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