Sunday, July 30, 2023

Julia Child and the HB eggs

The heat kind of broke, finally. 

I went out early with the dog this morning and if it wasn't bloody delightful I don't know what is. 

Never did I think I'd say "Oh I welcome 85 degrees!"

Last night I had a couple beers, sat in silence, and made 6 or so bracelets and some lobster necklaces. We're 2 weekends away from where I want to be the bracelet fairy, so I need to get rolling.  

I got set back a couple of weeks, understandably, but I'm back on my bullshit, as the kids say. 

Doug went to bed at 10:30 last night, and I kept working for a while, just in silence, searching for the letters I and O in the box. They really need to give more I and O beads, and fewer J and Q. I'm at the point where it is time to take the ones I've finished, trim the excess stretchy bracelet string, and drop a bloop of epoxy on the knots to make sure they don't come apart. I should have done that today, but I had other plans.

We've been watching a lot of Julia Child on Roku lately. We both enjoy her, but Doug is exceptionally inspired by her and he laughs his ass off as she commits several gaffes and laughs at herself. Quite entertaining. Today he was headed to the market and said he was buying leeks and scallions and heavy cream in her voice. 

The other day her episode was all about picking a good turkey, and the bulk of the episode was about how to truss it. Does anyone truss roasts anymore? The only one I know of is if you make a roulade of pork with a stuffing. And I must admit, I'd love to eat that right now. It looks so good. 

She uses cheesecloth and twine and all kinds of things I never put in an oven. 

Her episode on "HB EGGS!" hopefully you read that in her voice, is great. I love that she cuts open a badly cooked hard boiled egg where the yolk has a green circle around it. That's not a good egg! she declares and just unceremoniously throws it in the damn trash. 

She's hilarious and a delight to watch, if you haven't watched in a long time you should. 

I met Sara and Henry, and Henry's best friend Ella for lunch today. 

Sara ordered a salad and it came with a hard boiled egg that Julia Child would REJECT! So I laughed and had to take a picture of it for Doug. There should be NO RING! around the yolk! 

She was feeling uncertain about the dress she bought for the Guster prom, so I went to the house to help her futz with it and to be honest, it is very wonderful. 

We're all going to look lovely. And I'm a little jealous of her dress, to be honest. I like my dress, but...


I was going to garden today, but didn't get to the morning glories or weeds. Doug did get a little plant flat to replace the marigolds we lost the week we were gone. I planted those, little reds and white flowers, 

Here's a shot of what the porch is looking like. 

Wish the late-to-the-party little flowers luck. I hope they survive! The Dr. Seuss plant is rebounding nicely but has lost its color. And those impatiens are just rocking, as is that viney dealie. 

Digits below!


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Somehow was distracted, missed 6pm

blood glucose:

8:30am: 168
5pm: 154
9:30pm: 233* (lots of bad dinner choices. 2 hot dog rolls, bowl of ice cream w/fresh peaches. Going to retest later)


coffee, water
10am: 1 left over sausage
11am: Metformin
2:30pm: large salad w/buffalo chicken & bleu cheese; 2 hard seltzers
6:30pm: 2 hotdogs, yes with buns. Some coleslaw, diced peaches w/vanilla ice cream. White wine
8pm: Metformin+jardiance
10pm: protein shake

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