Sunday, July 09, 2023

MMMMMMMM, beeeeeeeer

This afternoon we went to a fave brewery a little out of our area. I recently found out one of my Guster fan friends lives across the street. She came over with her dog and we had a nice visit. There was a "book fair for grown ups," kind of like a scholastic book fair for kids in school. They didn't have that much I wanted to read but H found 5 books she wanted. She said she's a voracious reader, and as of late she's been reading a lot of what she calls "independent woman sick of sitting around waiting for a guy and they go kick ass and live!" books.

We were supposed to get unbelievable rain storms today. When we left our house, nothing. Got to the brewery, torrents. Left the brewery, torrents. Got home, nothing. Geoff said it didn't even rain a drop here. And here's me thinking dang I didn't water the garden on purpose. Doh.

It was a short visit but it felt long. H loves to talk, and I think Doug wasn't psychically prepped for being super social but. He survived. They have a lot in common work-wise, and I knew they'd have a lot to talk about. So it worked out nice. 

On top of that, she brought her very old dog who is 13, mostly deaf, kind of blind, but super gentle with babies and other dogs. SO MANY CHILDREN came to say hello to him. She had a yoga mat for him to rest on, and he just chilled next to the bar. He does tricks for treats, and that was super cute and sweet. He is delightful. 

Anyway, I ate french fries because that was a vegetable on the food truck list, I would have liked just the crab dip and maybe some carrots. I think I'll email the food truck to suggest it. I'm that guy. 

I suck at selfies so half my face is cut off in one of the shots. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  Dedicated 10-ish in the house

blood glucose:

9am: 163
No afternoon reading
10pm: 168


coffee, water
11am: mcintosh apple w/peanut butter. Metformin
1pm: left over salad w/can of tuna, mayo mixed in
2:30pm: french fries covered in crab dip (the menu items at the food truck were very limited)
3 beers
6pm: Metformin+jardiance
6:30pm: 1/2 piece of chicken parm, one piece of garlic bread. 3 beers

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