Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Off Her Game

Yesterday mom mentioned that staying up all night and sleeping in knocked her off her game, and I said "what game?" jokingly. 

She's got a game. She's got a very specific organized game, a this is what we do when we do it kind of game. There is the trip to the foodrinkery on Tuesdays, Fridays, and every other Saturday. Coffee is made at X o'clock. She takes her pills before she has breakfast. She has breakfast at a fixed time. She plays her computer games, she has the TV on, she takes a rest. She gets up and makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Naptime. Computer games. Bed at 8pm. Up again between 4 and 5 to do it all over. 

She has wiggle room for going an gossiping with the neighbors, like this morning. One of the neighbors down the way still does not have power since the Wednesday outage last week. So she's all, as they say in Pittsburgh, "Nebby" about it. 

"If I want to know what is going on with Bob, I'm going to have to walk down there because Shirley is working this afternoon." Oh my.

Oh, okay. "Maybe you don't need to know what's happening with Bob? I mean. He's staying with Donald next door to him, so he and his dog are okay and nice and warm. You don't need all the details of the fight with Eversource that they said it isn't their problem, but it is, and blah blah blah and finally a truck and backhoe came today. Just. Let it happen?"

She didn't like that response.

While I was still sleeping this morning, mom spilled an entire cup of coffee all over her computer desk. Paperwork, breakfast, herself, chair, everything. She probably had a swearable moment, but I didn't hear her all the way down here. I heard her in the kitchen say "sonofabitch" but, it wasn't very dramatic, so I didn't fully wake. 

I was in a meeting at 9am and she came down the hall, to my door, and was talking out loud, like, she maybe couldn't hear that people were talking on my computer. I muted and went off camera.

"I've had a horrible morning. I can't get anything right," she said. She told me about the coffee incident.  

"Why didn't you wake me up to come help you?" I asked.
"You were sleeping," she replied.

Well yeah but. I mean. I could have helped. 

She cleaned it all up herself and I guess that's better than not cleaning it up or not caring enough to clean it up.  What would she have done if I wasn't here? She'd have to deal with it on her own, right?

But she was very grouchy the rest of the morning. A little petulant. Childish. I asked her to put her clothes in the laundry basket because I had started to wash for her this morning. 

She said "no. Fuck it. The pants are brown." 

So you gonna walk around in wet pants? 
"They dried." 

Okay, lady.

I was incredibly busy today, and couldn't go out to lunch with her because we were doing QA testing for something happening Monday that is huge. She was a little pissy about it but I stepped away from the meeting to apologize and say that Friday would work out better for us. She was still grumpy, part and parcel of what she'd been all day. 

She got back and got a nap. I ran three loads of laundry from her basket in the closet, and got it all on hangers and put away. That seemed to brighten her up a little. 

After I finished work, I decided to go for a walk in town, even though I didn't want to. I parked at the boat launch, walked up to the fire house, over to the river, along the train tracks and back. I thought about taking myself out to dinner at the mexican restaurant but I told mom I "wasn't going to be long" and already I'd been over a half hour. So I came back to the house and made dinner from the food that I bought, so it won't go to waste, because I know she isn't going to eat it if I leave it. 

I was thankful after I got back that I did go. It was really beautiful out. I wished the brewery had been open, but they are not on Mondays and Tuesdays. I'll have to go swing by tomorrow. 

All told, not the most even of days but, tomorrow's a new day, right.

Digits Below. 

exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps.  Missed 3pm steps by a couple. Took a 24 minute walk in downtown, playing Pokemon. 

blood glucose:

8:30am: 135
5:30pm: 171
10:45pm: 240 (note time of the meds taken)


9:15: english muffin w/pb
(I can't remember if I took my metformin, I also was off my game)
7pm: grilled cheese w/roast beef and hummus, KETO friendly bread
8pm: triscuits+more hummus
white wine
9:30pm: Metformin+jardiance (off my own game, I forgot to take it with dinner!)

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