Thursday, May 12, 2022


(Should have been posted on 5/11 but I forgot) 

We have ants in the house. 

Not big ants, but wee tiny ones. Last summer we had some, but this year it is stupid crazy. 

They are mostly in the kitchen but I've found them in the bathroom and in my bedroom. I'm not completely freaked out by it. I don't like it, because they're just ants. 

And, I have a carnivorous plant garden.

So you can do the math on that. 

Christine spends time every day with a toothpick and a kitchen knife, forcing the ants with the toothpick onto the knife, and then scraping them into the plants. 

I feel like a monster in some ways, like how fair is this of some giant hulking beast to scrape up these dudes and feed them to a plant that eats bugs! 

Shouldn't the plant know how to feed itself! How would I feel if someone 6000x my size (at least) was grabbing me and putting me into another living creature so I can be eaten. It boggles the mind. But there I am, every day, scraping ants.

I put the plant garden out on the porch one very nice sunny day and some birds attacked it, pulled up at one of them (I can't remember the name) and uprooted it onto the sidewalk. Fuckers. 

So I repotted things and this little guy is still living, not sure how, most of it is dead but there are two parts that seem to be doing fine. The sundew is doing great, the one I accidentally plopped head down into the soil when I was planting it. The flytrap isn't doing as well but had a big growth come up out of it that didn't turn into anything. 

I'm hoping the diet of ants will keep all 3 of them alive. I want to put the little plant collection back outside now that it is nicer and warmer but feel like I need to sit with it and protect it at all costs. 

Birds, I want to love you, but you make it hard what with your waking up at 3:45 am and making all kinds of noise and your plant obliterations.


Short Pokemon procurement walk. 

Blood Glucose:

8am: 155
12pm: 151
10 pm:188*

*I really am not sure I get how all this works. I spent a relatively super low carb day and didn't expect a spike to 188?


Romaine & chicken salad
Chicken Parm 

Hmmm. Here's a thought. I checked the label of the sauce Geoff bought, my favorite Classico.  Noting it is higher in carbs and added sugar I would have liked, I figured the flour dredge and bread crumbs we use on the chicken was negligible, wouldn't matter much, but now I'm really pondering the sauce. 

I may have to make my own tomato sauce. Doug had Geoff  make his chicken with almond flour and parmesan cheese instead, and we did make his sauce with just a can of crushed tomatoes, which I augmented with garlic powder, oregano, salt, pepper, and even more parmesan cheese. May have to move onto something like that. 

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